
May 27, 2011 17:04

 It felt both funny and weird that the subject of this post is money.

I am sixteen years old, female, from the Philippines. And right now, I am in need of what most of my countrymen need - money. Although in my case, I don't spend my money for the family like what most of the Filipinos do. I spend my moolah for my own. It sounds selfish, yes. But I am still a minor and I don't have a job yet. We have tackled the concept and importance of money in our Economics class and here I am, needing it . I expect myself to apply what I learned in Economics in real life, particularly the lesson about money. Particularly everything.

I get money from my parents. They don't often give me some unless there's something important. It's summer; I don't have an allowance. So therefore, I ask. I ask for money. I'm grateful that they give me money for whatever the hell I want.

But this time, summer is almost to an end and I'm like, needing, let's say, Php1500. Where on earth am I going to get that? And then people will ask, "Where will you spend your money?"

Here's a good answer:
  • For debt payment (Yes, I owe my friend Sheena Php150 for the book we bought for Sir Gem. I told her I'll pay her next week.)
  • For the last night-out with friends before school starts (They say it'll be on Monday, two days before ORSEM. That is, if they won't change plans.)
  • For a farewell present to a beloved friend (I had made up my mind on what present to give and boy, is it expensive. Reeeaaallllyyyy expensive. For me.)
  • For a birthday present for a friend (This friend that I'll be giving present to on her birthday had given me quite a lot and it's about time to repay her.)
 If some adults might read this, they make think that my reasons are too shallow and they will go on their usual annoying talk about wise spending. THE HELL I CARE.

I hate when I'm running low on cash. I hate times like this. Everyone does, anyway. But I hate it because I'm still sixteen and here I am, needing money like it's a matter of life and death. Worse, for my own benefit, not anyone's. I am aware that there are a lot of people who need it more than I do. But I need money. I truly do. And I'm so sorry for the people who need it more. I don't mean to sound selfish though.

But this isn't anyone's dilemma but mine. I will find ways to get moolah. Diskarte, as what a popular Pinoy word goes. The first thing I will be spending is for the night-out  on Monday. I can ask money from my relatives. It will be easy, I hope. And as for the other three reasons, it will be school by that time and I guess I have to save. Besides, I can eat my lunch at home and not spend anything in school. Sacrifice, for the first few days of college.

I'm thinking of becoming an economist instead of being an accountant. Economics is waaaaay interesting but Accountancy's my course, which still involves money, anyway.


money, thoughts

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