WooHoo! I got "creative" and made a new icon this evening. Probably should've timed it...how long it took to make, that is...just out of curiosity's sake. Well...I can say that in the amount of time that it took to make this particular icon I was able to listen to Groove Coverage's song Poison 24 times. >.> Does that count as timing? **laughs** It probably just goes to show that I'm rather obsessive that I listened to one song repeatedly for that long...-_-;
Sai and Haruno Sakura from Naruto (100 X 100)
And just in case anyone is curious...here's the larger version of the Icon:
Sai & Haruno Sakura (500 X 500)
Might edit this post later and add more...not sure. Is getting late and my "creativity" is rather limited when my brain starts to shut down for sleep mode. **grinz**