"Great show," said Jack. "At least the first few seasons." "Yeah--after a while it just started to go downhill," Donna agreed. "It's always the way with those auteur shows."
SOMEday, you will be able to write something without the out and out bitterness included. Tsk!
"Great show," said Jack. "At least the first few seasons."
"Yeah--after a while it just started to go downhill," Donna agreed.
"It's always the way with those auteur shows."
SOMEday, you will be able to write something without the out and out bitterness included. Tsk!
But still... I like! JACK! In my fic! WHEEEE!
Are you feeling better? less sickly?
But am very glad you like, in spite of my issues. :)
Am feeling much better. A day alone, at leisure, with no obligations whatsoever, is the best cure for everything.
It's ok! It's just television. Turn it off! Your brain is turning to mush!
but there is also a neat Jack/Doctor one based on Utopia with PERFECT lyrics. I shall hunt up the link!
Also... any chance you mught unlock or mass post this ficlet? I made the mistake of mentioning and didn't realize it was flocked.
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