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In the name of Jehovah - the One Creator! Peace be upon all the brothers who profess the religion of Islam!
We Muslims must now enter the arena of political life in Europe and America.
One must demand for himself and offer for other people the laws of Islam as an alternative to the social system.
Our slogan: “This will stop Islam!” "Down with godlessness and anarchy." “Down with Trump.”
We must inform people and rulers that only sharia, only the establishment of the foundations of Islam can stop racial discrimination, the rampant security forces, the brutality of marauders and political chaos in the country.
Picket method: In advance, the day before the picket, we must inform all Muslims that we will organize a picket in the morning in defense of God's order in the country. It is necessary to draw a 20-meter slogan with the inscription: "This is to stop Islam!"
In the morning, 10-20 people with this slogan go ahead, and the remaining Muslims follow.
If journalists ask: “What exactly can stop Islam”, we reply that Islam can stop racial discrimination, the lawlessness of the security forces, the lawlessness of looters and political chaos in the country.
We must demand sharia, for everyone who wants to live according to the law of God on earth, according to Islam, especially for Muslims! If someone does not want to live according to the laws of God, that is, according to Islam, let him live according to Christianity or according to Jewish law.
During the picket, we must not villain and must impede the villainy. But along with this, we must be steadfast in our demand, and we must not diverge until the authorities allow us to follow and live according to Sharia!
We will prove to God that we are His steadfast slaves, and may the infidels see our steadfastness and devotion to God.
We must continue to rally and cover the central streets, we must continue the action of disobedience until our demands are taken into account.
We must endure tear gases and rubber bullets. Because man will not die from him. And yet, for every pain and suffering for the oneness, of the words of the Creator on earth, we receive the satisfaction of Allah and paradise. That part of our body that was injured or damaged on the way of exalting God's charter on earth will never burn in fire.
Perhaps someone will die during the demonstration. He, if God wills, is a great martyr, a witness of his faith. And without trial, without accounting, he will go straight to paradise. For the messenger said that the greatest shahid, the witness of his faith, is the one who died by telling the truth in the face of the tyrant ruler.