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1) God must not die. God is eternal. Because if God dies, he cannot be the Beginning, the Creator of the entire universe.
2) God should be free from matter, that is, God should not be inside space. Because if God is inside space, God will need flesh and God will be limited. Dependent on the body and other material things, bound in space, cannot be the Beginning of everything.
3) God is not limited to the body. God is not inside the universe, God is larger than the universe and the universe in Him, and God is Infinite.
4) Time needs matter and obeys the universe. From the fact that God is the creator of the universe, it means that the creator of time is also God. From the fact that God is Eternal, God is not in space and time, to mean, the space and time in Him. God sits over space and time, God is their Creator.
5) So God covers the space, the universe. The space is in God! For if there is a place outside of God, this means that initially in the past there was always this space, and God is limited by flesh. A thing that has its limit is matter, it is a dependence on something (in this case, on space). And the Creator cannot be dependent on anything, cannot be limited by flesh, matter. The beginning is not matter!
6) Since God is not matter, we cannot see and feel God if God does not want to! The mind is a product of God because everything is from God. Therefore, if only God allows, we can reason about Him. If God allows, then we can know His essence!
7) God possesses all the highest qualities and attributes. He has neither beginning nor end; God is Infinite. God is not in space and not in time. Because if God is in space, he will have a beginning and an end, and God will be limited. And that which is limited is subject to space, and that which obeys space is matter. Matter is a creation. And the creation cannot be the True Creator.
To mean, God - Unparalleled, unmatched, matchless, incomparable.
Is it possible, that God send the law, instruction, religion for us to follow him?
Based on the fact that the Creator is One, Eternal, Infinite, not material (that is, does not have a shell), then all religions and worldviews that reject the Creator God, or represent more than one God, or represent God materially (that is, does have a shell) are false and, or spoiled.
nd it will be foolish to spend time checking and studying the truth of these religions, worldviews.
There are three religions on earth that consider God One, Infinite, Immortal, and immaterial. These are Jewish, Christian (originally) and Islamic religions.
Let's look at them ...
Jewish scholars say that they are God's chosen people and only Jews will be saved. But there is no proof of the correctness of their words among other peoples and scriptures. And therefore, every nation can say so about itself! - The truth of Judaism is doubtful!
Christian scholars say: "Only he who believes that the man who is killed 2,000 years ago is God, will be saved." But about every dead one can say so! - The truth of Christianity is also very doubtful!
Muslim scholars say: “Is saved only he who acknowledges the existence of the Eternally Existing Creator, the One, the Incomparable from any creatureand and does not give Him associates!” Logically, the Great Creator, that is, the Lord is justified in His demand in this, even though no matter who brought this “demand” to us, God is right.
The requirement of recognition of Monotheism corresponds to the sign of the will of the True Creator, the Main Ruler. Therefore, the Muslim ideology, the religion of recognizing God and submission to God (in Arabic, “Islam”), without a doubt, is the will of the Eternally Existing! (Read carefully! - I did not say that the person should have to acknowledge the prophet Muhammad).
Yes, definitely for us it makes sense to study the religion of Islam more deeply.