(Drama) Karyuu no Utage

May 10, 2011 21:52

Here I am again! x)
Guess what? Tomo will have an appearance in a NHK dorama.
The weekly drama will start on May 31th (tuesday) and it'll go along for 8 weeks.
The drama called "Karyuu no Utage" is a novel written by Hayashi Mariko.
The summary says
"Convinced that when you try hard enough, you get what you want, a woman will discover that things are not so simple when his lazy son began his adult life." (source)
It's said on Tomo's profile that he will only start appearing at episode 3 (on June 14th) playing the role of Itokazu Yuua.

Karyuu no Utage (NHK - dorama 10)
Start: 05/31 (tuesday)
22h00~22h25 (Japan time)
Cast: Kuroki Hitomi, Hinase Minami, Kubota Masataka, Watanabe Ikkei, Kato Natsuki, Endo Kenichi, Yo Kimiko, Nogiwa Yoko...and Yanagishita Tomo. xD

Waiting for other news ^-^
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