Ow! or Why I don't like horses

Dec 12, 2010 08:50

Yes, for all you horsey people out there, I don't like them much.

Our neighbor down the hill has about 15 horses on a huge pasture with feed available and access to free running water. Very nice. But, they want OUT. And they get out. So we all [all the surrounding neighbors] go help get them back in.

This necessitates us all getting out in the cold and running all over to find the silly creatures and bring them back. Now ... why I don't like horses much ... When I get near one, I usually get hurt.

So, as I was leading one back to pasture on my ATV, the stupid thing spooked over nothing I could see. It jerked on the lead, so now, I have a sprained thumb. It doesn't interfere with my typing as I space with the other hand exclusively, but I can't write and it hurts. Blarg!

The neighbor is very upset but I told them it doesn't matter that much. And I really mean it. A loose horse could cost them their house and everything they own. An owner is responsible for damages caused by loose live stock in this state. So, in comparison, it's nothing much.

But still. Ooowww!
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