Am I Crazy?

Apr 11, 2007 12:22

I read this today:

It utterly pissed me off. This is why I have such a problem with people who think 'peace and diplomacy' is going to fix things in the middle east. Don't get me wrong, there is a place for diplomacy.. and I do think that there are some things that can be helped by it.. but it's obviously not going to fix this situation. These stupid radical islamic clerics have taken the law into their own hands and formed their own 'religious' court. They could care less what other people think and they obviously have no qualms about killing a few people to get their way.

I am a feminist. I can't help it. I know sometimes I take it too far, and to be honest, I don't really want women to take over the world.. I just want equality. Sometimes I can hear myself saying things jokingly about my marriage and I know it isn't fair to Caleb. Like "Oh, Caleb knows better than to do this or that". What is that? Why can't we all just be equal?

And so, I read this story about this woman who can't hug a non-islamic man.. can't go outside without being covered.. and it pisses me off. People can say ALL they want about how bad this war is.. but you know what? I bet those women over there who could be stoned to death for committing 'adultery' i.e RAPED, probably wouldn't mind someone stepping in to change things.

They have NO power over ANYTHING. It just kills me.
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