Well, I've been planning to write something on the subject for quite some time now, but never really got to it..never had a reason worthy enough. But today again I had a small discussion dedicated to Justin Timberlacke (or however u write his name)..and seriously, I DO NOT find this man even itty-bitty attractive. Just no way on Earth. The slime is just drooling from him, and for me personally this is the biggest turn off. I know-I know, such is the show-business, but I really do not understand how people can like him physically or wanna be like him. Well, I admit that he makes good music tho. But it would never even cross my mind to take his eeuw-apperiance into account while judging his music. U know, as we say in Russia "котлеты отдельно, мухи отдельно" (meaning do not mix the unmixable :))))))) When I listen to music - I listen to music, and I SERIOUSLY do not think about people who make/play/sing it. Well, to be more precise, I do admire the talent like I adore Liam Howlett (the genius of the Prodigy), Alan Menken (the composer for many Disney feature movies like "The Little mermaid", "Aladdin", "Beauty and the Beast", "Hercules", "Home on the Range"etc etc etc), Matthew Bellamy (the absolute prodigy of MUSE..common people, he is as scary as an atomic bomb, but his talent is mindblowing)..so u get the idea, right? But it would never occur to me to be attracted physically to a singer. First of all, the trick is that I cannot be attracted to someone who is not attracted to me. I know, its a bad thing, but I only accept people on that level if I communicate with them and I realise that they like me too. I would never waste myself lusting over someone who doesnt even know of (and even if he would, care for) my existance. But well, I am drifting away from the subject.
This little morning discussion provoked me to make a post about the men I DO find attractive. i decided to bring it up from two sides:
1. Physical attraction.
2. Personality attraction.
And I will support my views with examples and images. :) hehehehe.
I find physically attractive...
- men with sharp facial features: high cheeck-bones, sharp face&chin line, icy eyes. The lighter the eyes, the better. The best combination is dark hair with very light eyes. But lately I can appreciate blonds as well. They are people too, ya know, hehehe :) And some are very attractive indeed. :) I do not appreciate boyish cute faces...So, sorry, do not have much trust in all those sugar-boys u see on TV. I hate beard&moustache..jak-jak-jak, not my thing.
-some dicent hair, meaning big NO-NO for bold guys. They can be how&whatEver nice and good, but we discuss physical attraction here, eh? I do not like very short haircuts. I think it takes some of the personality away, if his hair is very-very short (shaven, I mean, or nearly it)
- lean moderately muscled body with strong arms and abs..jammy :)))hahahahhahah, so that he can carry me in his arms with ease..and hold me tight (not to death, lol). I have the same story for fat men as for bold ones...I'm afraid that as from "appealing" point of a view, they fall out from my scope. I do not notice them in this way. Neither I like those overmuscled buldogs like u have in every sport-club..whose faces are not disformed by intellegence.
As for personality:
- Sharp intellegence..naturally witty and smart. Brains!!!!! :) I respect brains! I said it already before...I think that generally, men are smarter then women. But I would be attracted to a man with above-average intellegence. And I do not mean some bookworms who get their knowledge from study-books only..natural intellegence u cannot buy or achieve or accomplish..U either have it or not. I know quite some men without university degree, but who are very smart nevertheless...in a natural way..Too bad, they are too lazy to make something serious out of it.
- Good sense of humour. I love a good joke. I like men who can laugh about themselves. I like men who make me laugh :) I am not a huge fan of a "toilet humour"..so the lovers of this kind of jokes - stay away :) A really good joke should make u think for a sec.
- Strong character. I know that I have one myself. I want my man to be stronger or equal to me. For God's sake, I am not going to be a mommy to anyone. I am ready to go with my man through anything, but no way he should be whining. I know the moment when to support him myself. I respect men who know what they want and ready to get it at all costs. I also dont have much respect for guys who are afraid or do not dare to go to a girl they like. Well, they may be great guys, but I won't consider them seriously as a match. Man should be daring, eh? :) No disrespect to Holland (cool country and stuff), but I really find it pathetic to see how insecure Dutch guys are..staying like virgins and waiting for a strong Dutch women to come and conquer them :) (well, I kinda overexaggarate, but there is a lot of truth in what I say as well). I am so not going to be with a man, who could always remind me that I was the one running after him. But not all Dutch guys are like this tho :) Many Dutch guys seriously lucking the natural "hunter" instinct and are afraid to be rejected. Well, fully understand this, but at the same time - those who dare nothing - get nothing..or get not exactly what they wanted. Own fault. it is not like I want to be hunted, do not misunderstand me. But I do know a MAN when I see one. And here I haven't seen all that many. Again, nothing personal. Great people, great guys..just not for me, in its majority :) Perhaps, I should move to a more masculine country, hehehehe. Well, maybe in 2 years. Right now, I feel good here. I think it is mainly women's fault that guys did digradate (mainly) here as much...women so much wanted their equal rights..they got it. (the idea is good by itself, but they SO overdid it here...and in my opinion, many women here have lost their natural feminity to a certain extend)...they so much wanted to be independednt..they got it..but do not expect a Dutch guy to cary ur heavy bag, or open a door in front of u... (Well, luckily, not all are like this). Another thing i appreciate is basic manners and understanding of a woman/lady in a fron of u (from men's prospective). Sorry, but i do not want to feel like some equal-pal to a man. I am a woman and want to be treated as one. With my friends we are as equal and pally-like as we can be :) It is totally different and I love it..but my man should see that I am not some rough creature who wants to do everything only by herself and alone. I would love if he would take care of me to some extend. And I will make sure that his life is enjoyable too. I had a guy like this once, but the problem was - I never loved him. So..no matter how well my requirements are met, if there is no spark and passion, mutual understanding and matching - it is pointless.
- to a certain level I really appreciate "battles" of opinions and characters in the relationship.
- he should know how to handle a woman, if u know what I mean :P And I would do anything he likes in return..well, except for 3 little things, but we are not going to discuss it.
- he should be faithfull, so..mine only :))) I am SO not going to share :) meaning physically. No cheating. As a woman I should be the only one, and he the only one for me. Sorry guys, but I am not for "free" relationship. I suddenly would not mind his friends, in fact, his friends - are my friends as well.
-God forbid him to lie to me. Unless some misunderstanding - I won't forgive an intended lie. We should trust each other completely. I am not going to waste serious relationship over something little and stupid, but if he will really lie to me...ow ow ow :)
To be continued..with pictures and some little more phylosophy.. :)))
And BTW, everything I say is stricktly my IMO and I do not push it on anyone..just the way I think, nothing more.
Well, another important thing to mention - is that I have respect to men who accomplished something in their life. I really hate when some complain that women are greedy bitches who are attracted to rich cash-bags..bullshit. The thing here is that it is the most logical to be attracted to an accomplishment...whether it is business success (which is yes, very much measured by money), scientific, musical....da hell..professionalism in ANY sphere of life..as long as man is really good at it. It is logical to be attracted to a stronger species, eh? :) And strong/power does not have to be muscles, it might be power of knowledge or skill that makes a man distinguished in my eyes. An accomplishment (just like in nature, stronger, better, healthier male species are getting best females) attracts best women. Not only because of the basics, like batter chances to procreate children with good genom , but also the insureness/ability to provide decent life. We all subconciosly looking for the right person. For me it si a person who does his thing right. I do not need tonns of money, I do not talk about providing me with D&G etc..I dont need all of those. I need to respect a man for what he is doing, doing it good.
Although, good-lloks are nice, it is BY FAR not most important thing. As long as man gives u a feeling of safety, being loved, appreciated...if he is smart and sober, has some humour..good enough for me :) If the man that I describe does not have model features..ba far not...he can radiate attractiveness to me through his strong character. U cannot hide such thing. It makes face and manners strong and firm :) Just like I like it. ("I like it a lot!" - said with the voice of Jim Carry from not yet identified movie (inside joke at work))
Some examples of what I find physically attractive:
Oooooopsey..wrong picture...that's my neighbour's cat Poomba! Mark, u will appreciate this picture, eh? Adorable cat..doesnt seem to be very bright tho :))))))) As for good-looking guys, let me look again... Oh yes...here we go
This is Beiron Andersson, Sweedish model. He is pretty old now, nevertheless good-looking. Has his own gym-chain and is accomplshed photographer. :) Happily married to a pretty dark-haired lady, has 2 pretty children :) Yay for him!
Next on the menu is Marcus Schenkenberg..and guess what..he is also Sweedish :) Those red pants are hideous, tho... Those two were example of model beauty I appreciate..Now, down to Earth a little bit.
This is Gerry Butler. Love him :) Liked him long before he got really famous. He is playing king Leonidas in 300! When I saw the trailer for the first time, I recognised him IMMEDIATELLY..although for my friends it was impossible..cause he wears some horrible spartan beard..But even this beard cannot hide how handsome he is :) Great scotish guy. May force be with him :) So, going to observe Gerry in his spartan underwear for 2 hours next week! Actually, "300" is quite a show for a woman like me...let along how awesome this movie is - there will be 300 gorgeous strong men on a screen, crumbing Persian army into cabbage! Cant wait, cant wait! :)))) He also played Dracula in Dracula 2000 (that's when I first got my eyes on him, heheheheh), Atilla, Phantom of the Opera and this Scotish guy who plays with Angie in Tomb Raider II. Well, lets move one.
Hugh Jackman. Not some slimy Brad Pitt, eh? :))
Don't know who this guy is, but he is handsome. A little bit young, but well... :) I am still young too.
Sharp face, nose, lips and abs :)
Nice as well
Wenthworth Miller, the hero of PRISON BREAK. Superb series, at least 1st season. The only guy whom I accept with short, even no hair..and the only one who should keep it this way..cause he looks much worse with hair (probably because of his origins..his dad is afro-american..so he has curly hair...does not look cool) Tho, lately Wenth is growing...not so skinny as in the first season...oh, too bad :) He plays genius construction ingenier who helps his convicted (sentanced to death) brother to escape from (surprise-surprise) PRISON!!!.Brains!! Michael Scofield has some brains he can use :))) Makes him extra attractive for me :)
And to finish all this mambo-jumbo of mine - my ultimate favourite :) The guy that never existed: Dante Sparda :))))
The closest thing to my image of perfection :) Perfect features. And the first blondy in my list :))))) For such a guy I would even reconsider my highly moral principles hahahahhahahaha :)))
Basically, I only state beauty as a fact. I am able to separate it from people's personality without any emotional attachment. This is why I would never be attracted to just a handsome guy or an actor or a singer..or any person of this sort. I admit their attractiveness, I like to look at them, but there is where it stops. Hard to believe? Then u dont know me at all :) Personality without beauty can go for me, but beauty without personality - NA-AH..Sorry :)
Ok, enough crap for today :)