E3 is now in session and many key games in the industry in the upcoming years are being announced or being demonstrated with more details..
Here are the most anticipated games of E3 according to gamespies.
Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3 2011,
PC Games,
PlayStation 3,
Xbox 360 I will buy all, except for Zelda and, probably, Battlefield..not sure yet about Battlefield.
The trailer to new Tomb Railder:
E3 2011: Exclusive Debut Trailer,
PC Games,
PlayStation 3,
Xbox 360 Night and day in comparisson to previous gen games, eh? :) I tell u..one day virtual reality will enslave the world..I strive for balance :) but yeah..
My personal TO BUY list for 2011 and 2012 is, except for Lara:
1. L.A. Noire & Red Dead Redemption
2. Deus Ex: Human Revlution
CG Director's Cut Trailer,
PC Games,
PlayStation 3,
Xbox 360 This is very close to how I imagine our nearby future..I also believe that mecha human body parts adjustments would become a routine (for these who can afford)..Love the music..can't wait. This is going to be VERY personal game for me...very.
3. Mass Effec 3
VGA 10: Exclusive Debut Trailer,
PC Games,
PlayStation 3,
Xbox 360 The release date of this epic cannot come soon enough for me... My favourite game so far...Even morethan Uncharted and Lara.
4. Elder Sctoll 5:Skyrim. More fantasy epics, please, yeah!!!!
5. Metal Gear Solid: Rising
6. Ofc, Uncharted 3 :))))))) No explanation needed.