Welcome-welcome..have a glimpse on my library...
My historical section..Ancient Egypt, Aztecs and the Conquistador Conquest, Crusaders, Spartans, Babylon, Rome and Medieval European wars... the books with some solder's face (young in armor helmet, adult and old..is about a very special guy, who lived for 100 years..and witness the history of Europe and Holy Land by being soldier, aristocrat, scientist and Saracens captive...
My Jean Plaidy section...The complete history of British Monarchy. I am crazy about these books..This collection got its exemplars from England, America, Australia...one by one...form nothing to complete collection of 200 books...King by King by King..one by one..the complete British history..Whohoe ;) I also have complete Philippa Carr Victoria Holt collection..but they are at mom's.
MY mystery-adventure-puzzle section. Very unusual books..The key-word here is mystery-puzzle. The mysteries of Amazonia, jungles of South America, ancient civilizations, Atlantis, the remains of the ancient civilizations under the Antarctica ice, Assassin's of the Holy Land, Aztec pyramids, the aristocrats of swampy Louisiana, the secret covenant of the most famous people in Britain of the 19th century, templars, Isaac Newton secrets and many many many more..in this section ;) Page turners..unstoppable reading.
A little bit of this, a little bit of that..Umberto Eco, Terry Pratchett, Andreas Eshbach, Douglas Preston, etc...
This section is called "Intellectual detective"... Some unusual crimes...with very unusual methods of revealing the mystery. Always somewhat alternative history point of view.
Egyptian/Japanese mysteries..
Laurell Hamilton collection..Anita Blake - the Vampire Hunter ;) and some extras
Historical fiction and whodunnits
There are 8 books I am especially proud of in this section. 1 - 4 books form the fantasy epos Kahatanna..about the goddess of Truth. My favorite books. And 4 books with the complete history of Plantagenet's..glorious British royal dynasty. And btw, 1 billion dollars by Andreas Eshbach is a MUST READ for everyone.
Slavic fantasy section..u have no idea how rich our folk tales are..very interesting
Russian science-fiction..With an accent on "science". No English or American science-fiction gave such satisfying feeling as Russian did..A lot of scientific theories..not just boombadaboom like in many American sci-fi books. I don't like the covers, tho..but who cares..it is about t content.
Bernard Werber books..nothing like u've ever read before..The science of death..what is BEYOND human death? Very interesting theories..very entertaining.. A lot of Harry Harrison books and Roger Jelazny's CHRONICLES OF AMBER.
Japan-related books...fiction and non-fiction..among fiction modern and historical crime + craziness a la Haruki and Rui Murakami, among non-fiction - detailed history of Japan of various periods, zen-theory, Ancient Japan and culture establishment, Japanese historical paintings, etc...
Many NON-fiction books by Isaac Asimov (mind u of Russian origins)..Hm..u all know Asimov..I ROBOT and stuff..but he wasn't just a sci-fi writer..he was a GREAT scientist.. Among these books: the history of physics, genetic code, everythign about our brains and blood, the 4th dimension, history of chemistry and biology, etc + 2 books of Stephen Hawking..THE BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME + BLACK HOLES AND BABY UNIVERSES
This series of books contains the works of the writers with unusual theories regarding the ancient civilizations of Atlantis, Inca's, Aztec's, Maya's, Babylon, Egypt, Prehistoric people, etc.
The book's covers speak for themselves...
Study books for Japanese..when will I ever find the time for them??...
My Edgar Rice Burroughs collection..the man who created Tarzan..and Marsianian stories..the dream of an adventure seeker..The books of my childhood..Note that the central book, that is open, is the first edition of Tarzan the Ape Man..dated 1914. It was quite a task to collect all these books..some I got with blood and tears..some with luck and some with incredible patience ;)
The books with beige background are international bestsellers..every worth ur attention. I especially recommend Caleb Carr's Alienist and Angel of Darkness..to my opinion the best thrillers of the 90s..set in 19th century New York. Greeping. Tess Gerritsen is not for weaklings..James Rollins is my new favorite..Ken Follet's continuation of THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH - the world without end..I must say that Pillars was the book that I simply couldn't stop reading..I was coming back from school and the only thing in my mind was to read this book further..I was getting into big ass chair...covering myself with a blanket and diving into Medieval England..So, can't wait to get my hands on The World Without End. Grotesque is set in Tokyo..so it naturally attracts me...Oh, and Michio Kaku, of course..Thanks to Rob for enlightening me in this respect. Also book about Assassin's and Templars...would be interesting for all who played Assassin's Creed and for people who love history..so.. for ME! And The Sleeper in the Sands by Tom Holland..the scary version of the uncovery of Tutankhamun's tomb..
Well, enough for today...these are just some of my books..I still didn't show anything of my Mythology collection and by far not everything of my Astronomy, history and Archeology collection :) I don't have space for all my books in this little apartment...so the rest stays at my parents..till I will buy my own living..I will surely make a separate library room..with big library closets from ground to the ceiling..whohohoe!!!
This is by far not all my books... I am not nuts..I am just curious..very..very..very curious. :)
Next in my blog..my top 10 books :) Oh yes..and lethargic sleep story...I have to finish it..with some scientific arguments finally...