Inhumans, Musketeers, and other things.

Feb 14, 2015 10:42

 There really is a lot of really good TV happening at the moment. It's making winter much more bearable!

Agents of Shield
This is about the fourth time I've tried to watch this show. I'm not saying it's definitely going to stick this time, but I'm pretty intrigued. It's mainly because, after reading a couple of Inhumans comics runs and the first Ms Marvel trade, I'm now pretty invested in the mythos, and I'm interested to see how the Inhumans stuff turns out in AoS and then the MCU. Also, as they're doing an Inhumans movie, it would be pretty silly for Kamala Khan not to be in it, I'm just saying.

Having seen the mid-season finale, I'm now slightly more OK with Tripp's death, because having three people cocoon and one of them not survive is dramatically interesting. I still wish they could have found someone else to kill off though, like Fitz? (Sorry, Fitz fans.)

I also liked Skye a lot more now that's she's pitched a bit darker, and I loved her shooting Ward. Hooray!

The Musketeers 
[I wrote this whole bit here about Milady in flashback saying that she killed Athos' brother because he tried to rape her, and how it was unsatisfactory that hadn't been resolved. Then I went back and watched episode three of season one, and noticed that Athos says she actually killed him because he found out the truth about her past as a criminal - which I think we're meant to accept - and realised it's more resolved than I thought.]

I liked Athos' steely, unsympathetic sister-in-law. She had a real presence, even though she was pretty batshit. I liked that the women were shown whole-heartedly joining in the defence of the village, and I enjoyed how Cartoonishly Evil the baron and his son were.

On a slashy note, I did enjoy D'Artaganan managing to make Athos smile for probably the first time in weeks, and then putting his hands all over him (D'Art was really handsy in this episode.)

Much as I liked Tom Burke angsting, I hope this is the last episode for a while with quite so much focus on Athos' manpain. And Athos being his surname rather than a code name did make me shout at the TV - I don't know why, of all the differences from the book, this is the one that bothered me!
Next week... the Black Death? :O

Agent Carter
I really like that Peggy has been discovered already. The whole sequence of her taking down the agents in the automat and getting away from Sousa and Thomson only to be brought down by her own lipstick, was fabulous. I don't have much else to say, other than I'm among all the other people desperately hoping it gets renewed!

musketeers, agent carter, aos

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