(no subject)

Sep 12, 2009 23:20

You know when it sucks to be a girl?

Once a freaking month.

Hurts like nobody's business. I was practically sofa-ridden when I was shopping in MV today. Felt bad for mum because we had to cut our trip short as my stomach hurts like having your uterus pulled out.

Will be EXTREMELY (to the extreme extreme) busy until Sept 26, which is my Sem break. One week of heaven. Time to go out! Wait for me tantan n lingling. =D

I'm considering to start some serious blogging, but that can only happen after I graduate. Hostel sucks. Might start to utilize my blogspot account which I had before LJ but never really start to use it because LJ is my only connection to NEWS. D=

Manage 2 blogs hurrah.

Did some rearrangement to my room since my sis moved out. Got myself a new shelf for my growing manga collection.

I was planning to upload some picture but I can't seem to do it nowadays. Blame my connection? Blame LJ? Or blame by file size? Sigh.

Till my Sem break! Toodles~


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