(no subject)

Aug 06, 2009 23:03

No no, the journal's not dead yet. Just that life's pretty static for now so...

Anyway hostel life!
My roommate is a pretty nice girl, she's really talkative so its fun. =D
Von on the other hand... had pretty bad luck and got a roommate that she pretty much complaints about every day lol. She's one of those that sleeps really early (about 10pm - 11pm) and Von's the type that sleeps about 2am. You see the problem there? And she hardly talks and ignores her most of the time.

I swear, if Von and my roommate ARE roommates, they can talk all night. LOL.

And I have pretty nice housemates too. I went out for dinner with one of them and my roommate, with Von tagging along on Tuesday. We had Senjyu Sushi. I spent alot but it's a satisfying meal. Yumyum. One of the perks of staying in the hostel is dinner and supper. My hostel friends would bring us to places we never been before and discover the wonders of the culinary world. Snowflake is my current favourite. <3

I'm on the 11th floor out of 25 (or 26?! can't remember!). Not too high, not too low. But A LITTLE to high for me if the lift would be so kind to break down. I might just skip school if that ever happens.

Internet, well, very slow most of the time so I surf less. BUT we have this amazing thing here in the hostel network that is enough to keep me busy. I can get my drama/ anime and music fix there. You have NO IDEA how thankful I am to have that. T.T

Considering my timetable, I come back every Friday after 12pm (10am lecture UGH).

But this week? No, this week is special! I skipped my Friday lessons and came back on Wednesday night. Reason?


So I guess my mum's pretty busy too, and I wanna join in the preparation excitement and I HATE Friday lectures so I decided to skip. And I dragged Von into the water with me. But I'm sure she's thanking me for it HAHA.

Saturday night's the BBQ session and Sunday morning we have the traditional tea ceremony and the wedding dinner at night. I'm the unofficial camera woman. =D

I got my dress and shoes ready, all that's left are accessories! My dress is black and dark pink. I hope nobody will kill me for wearing black. It's NOT purely black though... so... I'll survive?

The next update would probably be after the wedding. I hope to post some pictures but know the internet connection and knowing ME. It might take a while.

Till then, toodles~

Also, it feels nice to be appreciated. Thank you for thanking me! =)


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