(no subject)

Jun 01, 2009 23:52

I came back from Uni today, feeling exhausted, but Von still manages to drag herself to the gym.

But that is not my point.

Today when I reached home, I wanted to nap. Alas, to no avail as I turned on my TV and tuned in to Star Movies. Something caught my attention.

It's a Boy Girl Thing.

It's a movie. In cinemas yes, but in 2006.

But that's not the point here.

I happened to catch this movie just a little after it began. Now what is it about? It's body-swapping between these two, who are neighbours and... AHA predictably hate each other. Sounds like Freaky Friday eh?

Smart girl and popular jock boy. Boy and Girl argue in front of the ancient statue at the museum and it appears to cast a spell upon them. The next morning they switch bodies. And voila! They have to live each others lives in their shoes. In the end, they began to understand each other and hate each other less and less as hate turns into LOOOOOVE. And they switched their bodies back and live happily ever after. For a slightly more detailed summary: the Wiki page would be a nice source.

But that's not the point I'm trying to make.

I realise even though this is an overly predictable, cliche, chick-flick-ish move, I actually love it! Girl's not a bimbo, she's a smart student who loves poetry and is aiming for Yale. Boy is a jock who is aiming for a football scholarship. When they switched, Girl learns to play football and Boy learns to study. This is a movie that actually made me think.


If you hate a person, but so happens you manage to put yourself in their shoes, you realise that they are not so bad after all! There's a reason why they act like a Bd or Bh.

BUT, I also know from experience, that this is not ALWAYS the case with people. People can be a Bh just because they are.

It's movies like these that I happen to chance upon that I really like. You know, not Hollywood blockbuster, but smaller scale movies that have little publicity. Albeit predictable, these are actually gems that I really enjoy.

I like to movie surf on HBO, Cinemax or Star Movies on Astro, and this movie is exactly why I love to do so. <3

I'm watching a movie called Shortcut to Happiness as we speak. A man meets a devil and exchanges his soul for fame and fortune. Nope... it's a comedy. Lol.

I avoid thrillers like plague.

But that's not the -- *get's Bh slapped*

So the next time you see a movie that you have never heard about before, don't change the channel and give it a chance. =)

OH wait, I have assignments to do? Sigh...

A pretty random post. I know.

P.S. LJ cut won't appear. I'm sorry... T.T


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