Okay so in the interest of continuity...
Dear You,
Thank you for being so uncomplicated. With me, at least. You're...safe. I know how things are going to go, and I love that. You always make me smile, and you are one of very few people who make me feel like you ALWAYS care. Not just when I'm having a bad day or when it's convenient. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I take it for granted sometimes, and I shouldn't. I'll work on that.
If I could, I'd give you everything you wanted in a heartbeat, because you deserve it. You work so hard (well, okay, with a fair bit of procrastiantion, but that's the only way of doing things!) and I feel like things keep popping up in your path.
Oh, and since apparently I've lost my ability to write things that connect: random new thing. You are an amazing writer. Like, seriously. If I could afford it, I'd just pay you to write all the time.
In short, you, my dear, are sheer brilliance all-around, and I can't wait to see you, whenever that shall happen, so I can give you a big snuggle.
ilu! ;)