Transcript notes: The story begins with an introduction from the main character, followed by a focus question asked by
yamyam_kat. This style is often featured in the textbooks in schools that utilize the Common Core program. Please feel free to answer the focus question in the comments. The story continues in third person. As always, the original unedited transcript and illustrations follow the story below beneath the cut.
"No Comment"
I am Bobcat. I had a kitten. Someone stole my kitten! Help me find it!
***YAMYAM_KAT's FOCUS QUESTION: What did Bobcat ask everyone?
"Have you seen Kitten?" Bobcat asked her friend Bobby-cat.
"What a kitten you may have! I haven't seen one," Bobby-cat said.
"Have you seen Kitten?" Bobcat asked Jaguar.
"No," Jaguar said.
"What?" Bobcat was surprised.
"Have you seen Kitty, Leopard?" Bobcat asked.
"No comment," Leopard said.
"No comment."
"You stole Kitten!" Bobcat said angrily.
"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Leopard laughed.
"Who's that?" Bobcat asked.
"I stole nothing," Leopard said.
"You stole KITTY!" Bobcat yelled.
"I'm sad," said Leopard.
"You stole Kitty," Bobcat said again.
"Yes," Leopard said. "Here's Kitty."
"Give Kitten back!" Bobcat yelled.
"I'm sorry!" Leopard cried.
"Help, I'm tied up!" Kitten called.
The end.
Caption: Bobcat encounters her friend Bobby-cat at the top of a snow covered hill. We see that they are discussing the missing kitten. Bobby-cat is worried for her friend Bobcat's missing kitten. Bobcat remains confident that she will find her lost kitten.
Caption: Bobcat visits Jaguar in search of Kitten. Jaguar lives in a human styled house at the top of a snow covered hill. Jaguar, a pink cat with a red spot, is adamant that he has not seen Bobcat's kitten.
When Jaguar says, "No," to Bobcat's question, Bobcat is astonished by Jaguar's blunt answer.
Bobcat yells, "What!" in surprise. Where could Kitten be?
Caption: unedited dialogue. In the final version, it was dictated orally by the author as to how it should be transcribed. This was Yamyam_kat's first attempt at writing dialogue on paper in non comic thought balloons. Cool, huh?
Caption: The big reveal.
Caption: After refusing to comment on the whereabouts of Kitten, Leopard finally confesses to kidnapping Kitty. Perhaps it was just a prank? Leopard won't tell. Bobcat is furious, demanding that Leopard give her kitten back. Leopard apologizes, then gives Kitten, tied in green rope, back to her mama.
To the right, a kitten is seen tied in green rope or twine. Kitten asks for assistance getting out of the conundrum she is in.
Author notes: This interpretation of the prompt: "No comment" signifies that sometimes, comments are withheld to avoid getting caught in a lie. For the sake of the kitten, the transcriber is happy that Leopard eventually confessed to the crime.
Thank you for reading.