Doctor Who Drabble: Equus ex Machina

Dec 06, 2012 00:08

Written for the wonderful
kaffyr as a 2011 stocking stuffer.

Title: Drabble: Equus ex Machina
Characters: historical MCs, Nine/Jack/Rose
Rating: All Ages
Spoilers: DW: The Doctor Dances, Greek myth
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction; the characters are the property of the BBC and used here without permission. No money was made.
Summary: Inspiration can lurk in the strangest of places.

Equus ex Machina

The men sat looking at the ocean. They'd come here to clear their heads, soothe nerves frazzled by the ten-year siege. And still no closer to victory.

An unearthly noise rent the air. They jumped up, swords drawn.

"Look!" One pointed to the beach. A blue box had appeared on the sand.

"It must be from the gods," the other whispered, awed.

The side of the box opened. Two men appeared, carrying a boat.

"How did they fit-"

A young woman emerged, leading a horse. They wandered off into the dunes.

Odysseus turned to Epeios. "I've just had an idea."

In case anyone missed the reference. Also, "equus" is Latin for "horse."

Crossposted at

fic: drabble, event: fandom_stocking, relationship: jack/doctor/rose, fic

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