Title: Imprecisions (1/1)
canaanaCharacters: Rose/Nine/Jack
Rating: All Ages
Spoilers: The Doctor Dances
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction; the characters are the property of the BBC and used here without permission. No money was made.
Summary: Rose is thinking about her blokes.
A/N: Written for the Shadow Proclamation, who bid on me in the Support Stacie Auction. Part of the
Those We Love the Best-verse.
Rose is curled up between a warm body and a cool one - both asleep. Her hands drift over them as her mind drifts back.
The first time she met the Doctor, she thought him an arrogant wanker. Or a lunatic. And - well, she doesn't think she was entirely wrong on either point.
Jack, she saw as a skilled seducer, a slimy git trying to dazzle her for financial gain.
There must have been some point when her feelings changed, went from wariness to friendship, to love.
But if asked now, she'd swear it was love at first sight.
First sights.