More Helping Haiti - New Lightning Round & V-Gift Drive

Jan 28, 2010 19:59

The good folks at help_haiti are organizing a new Lightning Round to raise money for Haiti. This one takes advantage of the Live Journal V-Gift Drive - the money for any v-gifts (including the $0.99 ones) bought between Thursday, January 28th, 4pm, and Saturday, January 30th, 3:59pm, PST, will go to CARE and UNICEF to support Haiti - LJ will even cover credit card charges, so 100% of your money goes to Haiti! (This would be a great time to buy v-gifts for all your friends and favorite comms, btw - if a recipient gets more than $10 worth of v-gifts within a two-week period, they get two months of paid account time for free.)

help_haiti are therefore organizing another lightning round where you pay in v-gifts - look at the offers, if you like something post and tell the author you want it, buy the v-gifts and send them to the author, and voilá, the fic is yours. It's not an auction, it's "buy now," so you can really "see - want - have" without needing to worry about deadline sor climbing bids.

I'm offering five drabbles and two ficlets - my thread is here.

Let's help Haiti!

event: help haiti

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