Dec 30, 2004 21:26
Coming home tomorrow, can't wait for the festivities.
I just broke a nail, but thankfully found some double sided tape, and solved the problem. Thanks to everyone who asked about my family in India, as far as we know, no one was hurt, not many of us live directly on the ocean, but we haven't gotten the full count yet,so we'll see.
I found out today that one of the saleswomen at Saks lied to me when she told me my favorite perfume was discontinued. It's being sold in abundance at Europe...I was quite offended.
Also, I met my husband yesterday in the tube station. I sincerely hope all of you will be able to attend the wedding, which i'm hoping will be in May, depends on his schedule, and whether or not I find out what his name is. But anyway, do try to come.
Time to go watch british comedy with the family.