Another update already! Well.... it's soon for me, anyways. I wanted to get at least one more before next week, because that's when the Spring semester starts up. Woo. I swear, it feels like I'll never be done with school. Aaaanyways, last update: Dinah took up the heir torch, boots were knocked, and a baby was born. I think that pretty much covers it. Oh, and Kerith died. I feel bad that I don't feel worse about her dying. Hmmm... anyways, on we go!
Piper's very excited about the wee one.
But, we can't just leave it at one, now can we. Although I think I'll stop at two this generation. Anytime I get more, there seems to be a severe lack of attachment to them. From me anyways. I mean, Banner was best friends with Fineas for a while... No accounting for taste, I guess.
And let's hope that we take better care of the future little one than we do our fish.
It's time for Anne to age up.
Anne: I don't think I want to do this. I'm too young to be old! Deep breaths, Annie girl... You can do this... You assimilated into this crazy family after all. You can do anything. Now for my birthday wish...
Anne: Well crap. I should've wished for a better outfit.
I did give her a makeover... But apparently I was far too excited over fulfilling Banners LTW of a Golden Anniversary to take pictures. There's one of her a little bit later.
Party time!
Okay okay, guilty as charged.... I invited Professor Crazy Pants over. I couldn't help myself!
I did not, however, invite Fin over. The bastard just showed up like he owned the place. Again.
Prof. Crazy Pants: Where have you been all my life?! Catch me, you lovable stud, you!
Abel: Dear God, someone put me in the sim bin, stat!
At least some party-goers are having fun. Others are drinking until they can convince themselves that they're having fun.
Keep on chuggin', Piper.
Prof. Crazy Pants: *creeps*
Prof. Crazy Pants: *creeps some more*
Prof. Crazy Pants: Oh dear, handsome sir, would you be so kind as to give me a hand up off the floor?
Piper: Where did you even come from?!
Abel: Don't touch me! I don't even know you, why would you think it's okay to try to make out with me??
Yeah, she's not making friends here.
Prof. Crazy Pants: Just so you know, Piper, we're not best friends anymore. And you have no one to blame but yourself. I'll be awaiting your apology.
Piper: Who the hell is this woman?
Poor, unloved Crazy Pants.
Anne: Why would you invite her here? Haven't we been through enough?
I'm a mean, terrible person, Anne.
Thanks for trying to inject some class into the party, Dinah.
At least Banner's LTW didn't specify how the party needed to go.
I don't think they really care how the party went though. They just seem happy that everyone went home.
Ok... maybe not everyone.
Prof. Crazy Pants: Hey there, hot stuff. Lookin' good over there, eating your chips.
Piper: Oh hell no, this is not happening.
Yep, she just strolled on in. This is when I started to realize that my house was glitched.
Dinah: Wha... What are you doing in my bathroom?
Prof. Crazy Pants: I thought we could hang out. Get to know each other. Maybe hug a little?
Dinah: Get out.
Crazy Pants soothes her rejection by smustling up a storm.
Anne: Alright. You need to leave. Like, now.
Prof. Crazy Pants: Okay! I'll see you later :D
Prof. Crazy Pants: *continues to hang out*
Elsewhere, there's a pop!
Dinah: Lady, seriously, get out! I don't care if you go home or not, but you have to leave.
Prof. Crazy Pants: Alrighty! Bye! :D
Piper: It's okay, Hazel, Mommy's making the crazy lady go away.
(Oh hey, under-documented infant. Almost forgot you existed.)
It's Cait's husband and dog. Hi Cait's husband and dog!
Oh for crying out in the mud....
No, please, come on in. No need to be invited.
Anne: What are yo-
Prof. Crazy Pants: PILLOWFIGHT!
Anne: OUT!
Prof. Crazy Pants: Kay, bye! :D
Anne: You know, I'd really like another grandchild. Think you kids can work that out?
Dinah: Seriously, Mom? How have you managed to not notice my obviously pregnant belly?
Gotta stay limber for that upcoming birth.
Ah-HA! You're too late, Crazy Pants! I've already locked the door.
*pats self on the back*
Wait... why are you in the back... crap.
Curse you, back door, CURSE YOU!
Dinah: I'm gettin' the heck out of here.
Piper: Sweet mother of mercy, what is WRONG with you?! Get out!
Prof. Crazy Pants: Bye guys! :D
Piper: How am I supposed to sleep soundly knowing that THAT woman could be creeping through my house at any time??
I don't know, sweetie, I just don't know.
Cute spam incoming!
/cute spam
Oh, Dinah. That is just disgusting. And you! Stop encouraging her, Piper!
Dinah: Oh no, that was so much worse than I thought it would be!
Piper: Someone get some air freshener in here! I think I might die! *gags*
I don't feel sorry for either of you.
Someone's tummy is getting bigger!
Piper: It's not just her tummy! :D
Ah. I see where Dinah's getting the crass influence. Noted, Piper.
Dinah: Buh... buh.. But I don't want my baby to grow up :(
It'll be okay. Toddlers still need their mommies.
Dinah: But Hazel's so precious! Can't she just stay little forever?
Dinah: Ummm... On second thought, she's kinda smelly and squirmy. Let's get those candles lit.
Awww! She's ADORABLE! Look at that little pouty lip.
One nice point. Awesome.
I was thoroughly tickled when I realized they were color coordinated.
See this? Keep this in mind. It will become important.
Banner: Say, "Grandpa".
Hazel: No.
Banner: It's not hard. Listen: Grrraand-pa.
Hazel: No.
Banner: How about, "highchair"?
Hazel: Ooo, highchair. Food?
Banner: Won't say "grandpa", but start talking about anything to do with food and you're all over it, hmm?
Hazel: How dare you judge me, old man.
Aw, Galen! You were my good ghost!
And here is where I finally drew the line and built the new legacy house.
(If you haven't seen the house and you want to, the pictures are in this
And almost immediately upon moving in, Dinah went into labor.
A girl!
GUYS! She is freckly. And has Piper's eyes!
Brown hair again : /
But! Freckles!
Her name is Ivy. I'm a little taken with her, I'll admit it.
Hazel: Bring another kid into this family, will they? Take all the attention away from me, hmmm? Well, I guess I'll just have to learn how to fend for myself.
Hazel: I remember how things were before the other one came. I had all the fresh bottles and diaper changes a kid could ever need. Now look at me. Sucking down spoiled formula like a drunk swilling mouthwash. What has my life become.
*rolls eyes*
Anne's still insatiable, but not quite as scandalous.
Also, she's an awesome grandma.
Oh yes, look how neglected Hazel is. Poor little thing.
Piper keeps trying to sleep in the boys' room. I think it's his way of rebelling against being a responsible parent.
Hazel: Mom! Mommy! Pay attention to me! Mom! Down here!
Hazel: This is not the type of attention I had envisioned.
Hazel: What the.... is this CONCRETE? Who has a concrete tub?
We knocked out walking, which is pretty impressive. I think my other toddlers have only ever learned potty training.
Still working on that one for Hazel.
No one cares, Fin.
Banner's a pretty good grandpa.
Unless he feels the urge to whistle. Then all bets are off.
Anne: I'm really glad your time at college taught you how to take care of children. Nice job, Banner.
Banner: What? What did I do?
But he makes up for it with a sink bath.
(Confession: Sink baths are my favorite infant interaction ever.)
Hazel: I like Dad's idea of attention MUCH better than Mom's.
We got a new maid.... I like him >.>
Hazel: Why won't you fit? Fit! FIT!
Hazel: Didn't you hear me?? FIIIIIIT!
Hazel: *rages*
I have a very angry toddler on my hands.
Dinah has just learned the importance of never tipping a freshly fed infant.
I'm sure the lesson will be taken to heart.
Booyah! Perma-plat for Anne.
Anne was tasked with putting the angry one to bed. I think she even managed to soothe the savage beast.
Banner got a bit pudgy.
Upstairs, Piper gets fit.
Why is everyone so sad when it comes to birthdays?
It's my favorite time!
Okay, so the hair is a little ridiculous, but she's so cute!
There, that hair is less ridiculous.
Ivy's stats.
You guys are killing me with the one nice point!
Still cute though.
Hazel is still adorable.
It was about this time that I figured Dinah and Piper were probably not going to get their LTWs. I slacked on trying to get their dream jobs. So, why not use the genie?
Dinah: One wish, hmmm? Well... I could ask for beauty, but I've already managed to catch Piper. Riches? I don't know... We're pretty well off.
Genie: Look lady, could you hurry this up? All My Children starts in like two minutes.
Dinah: Alright then, how about peace of mind?
Genie: Abra cadabra, shazam, blah blah blah. There. Now, don't bother me while my shows are on.
Dinah: Oooh, tingly.
Piper: Hey, Genie, my man! I hear from my wife you're passing out piece of mind up here.
The cute factor would be higher if Dinah were in clothes... or PJs. Or anything other than her skivvies, really.
Still though...
It is pretty adorable.
FYI guys, undies aren't just for peek-a-boo anymore.
Piper: Yes, this plant on the back of the toilet, it's a nice touch. I feel it brings the outdoors in and really brightens up the bathroom.
Dinah: Mmmmhmmm *smug*
Here's Galen, all fine and dandy, thinking about money and how he bought his nice bed with that money.
See, only thing is... I forgot to keep the beds when they moved. So. He's pretty mad.
Dinah: I just turned away for a minute! I don't know how it happened.
Oh for the love of God, at least get the kid out of there!
Dinah: The smoke and charred food frame him quite nicely. It really brings out the heroism that firemen possess.
Not bad at all.
Piper: *is completely inappropriate*
Fireman: *counts the steps to the front door*
Dinah: *is oblivious*
Hazel: Out, Mom. Dad may have lost his sense of dignity, but I still have mine.
Dinah: What on earth are you talking about?
Dinah: Oh my God. Piper! What are you doing?
Piper: Sweet, you're here. Could you come here and get my back?
Piper: What? So I enjoy a sponge bath now and then. Is that so wrong?
Dinah: I'm not even talking to you right now.
Dinner the second time around wasn't a resounding success either.
Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
You fertile hussy!