Finally got off my butt and edited update pictures. I wish I had some sort of magic resize/crop button. That would make things so much faster. Anyways, last time: Fineas was whiny (and grew into childhood, but that's beside the point), Abel popped in to say hello, and Anne got pregnant again.
We begin our update with a broken toilet.
Ellie: Huh... I have no idea how that happened.
Riiiiight. Seeing as how you were the last one to use it, I have a hard time believing that.
Ellie: What broken shower? I don't know what you're talking about... It was that way when I got there?
Oh for Pete's sake, Ellie! That one too? Apparently she's moved on from being the Destroyer of Worlds to the Destroyer of Bathroom Fixtures.
Oh noes, not an incorrectly tagged bug! WHAT SHALL WE DO?! Let's call 'em on it.
So, Banner's making friends. You might think this is a good thing, but trust me. This is a bad, bad thing.
Allow me to introduce Professor Kay Powers. She teaches at the local college, but apparently in her off time she likes to work in the paranormal field. Kind of a Ghost Hunters thing going on.
Also, she is bat-shit insane.
Professor Crazy Pants: Well hello child that I have never before seen in my life. Allow me to lock you in a hug!
Dinah: Stranger! Stranger! I need an adult! Preferably one I know and is NOT wearing a tacky powder blue suit!
Prof. Crazy Pants: The best place to keep a bug collection is in a safe so that your nosy coworkers can't see your mistakes.
Anne: Well, that's a great idea, thanks for the tip :D
Prof. Crazy Pants: I'm so glad you think so ++
Prof. Crazy Pants: Also, screw you, we're no longer best friends.
Anne: What? Wait, but we just agreed. And we were never best friends... What the hell's going on!?
Kerith: *stands around in her undies while company's over*
Kerith: You've got red on you.
Prof. Crazy Pants: Haha yeah, I saw that movie.
Kerith: No really, you might want to put some soda water on it or something.
Prof. Crazy Pants: Oh, seriously? I thought you were just trying to pull one over on me.
Prof. Crazy Pants: Hmm... I can't see it...
Kerith: No no, it's right there! You have to look a little bit closer.
Kerith: HAHA! You fell for it! What kind of idiot still falls for that?
Prof. Crazy Pants: *is not amused*
Kerith: *starts to rethink ever interacting with Prof. Crazy Pants*
Prof. Crazy Pants: I hate you and we are no longer best friends :D
Kerith: Bu.... But I don't remember being best friends with you. Anyone else know what's going on here?
Prof. Crazy Pants: Oh, I can't stay mad at you! Let's never fight again! Hold me like this forever?
Prof. Crazy Pants: Ah, I feel much better ++
Prof. Crazy Pants: But we're no longer best friends.
Seriously, what the hell?
Kerith: Omg, I have the best joke ever. How do you know that Saturn was married more than once?
Prof. Crazy Pants: I dunno, how?
Kerith: She's got a lot of rings!
Prof. Crazy Pants: OMG that's HILARIOUS! I'm dying! But despite how funny I thought that lame joke was we're no longer best friends!
I don't even know what's going on anymore.
What the bloody hell is going on here?!
Anne: Banner, please don't bring any more of your co-workers home.
Prof. Crazy Pants: I can't believe your wife rejected me. Also, we're no longer-
Ah, sanity.
If not predictability. Oh Galen.
Yes, more soothing pictures please.
Ah, I see the oven is being put to misuse.
Dinah: Aw.... I made a fail muffin : /
It's okay Dinah, they won't notice. Because it's time for.....
Baby number four!
Cue the frantic screaming and hair pulling out.
Banner: Oh hey Dad, you're just in time. We're having a baby.
Why I got a picture of the back of her head, I have no idea. Anyways, her name is Grace. She's got Anne's eyes, but the Breckenridge nose.
Galen: Yus, more babies!
Not everyone is as thrilled about the new arrival. (Ha, a new arrival that is a rival to the heir spot! Arrival, a rival? *cough* Sorry.)
Moving on.
Dinah: New babies suck. Last time we had one, we got him.
I know. I'm sorry. Maybe Grace will be less whiny?
Ellie: I hope so. Fineas sucks at Marco Polo. This is no fun.
Anne's not stingy, and marriage is a special occasion.
Yay. I guess.
Dinah: My airplane seems to be missing from the toy box. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you Fineas?
Fineas: The red and blue one? Oh yeah, I was playing with it the other day. It's up in my room.
Dinah: *chokes on breakfast* You were WHAT? YOU PLAYED WITH MY TOYS!?
Fineas: Look, I'm just getting tired of playing with the ONE top you let me have. It's boring!
Dinah: Is that so?
Ellie: Ooooo it's on! The drama llama has arrived!
Dinah: You will play with that top and like it. If you ever touch my toys again, I will personally see to it that the social worker comes for a visit.
Fineas: Oh.... kay.
Ellie: *disappointed*
I think more nice points need to be injected into the genetics O.O
Banner's still an awesome dad.
Guys! Honestly, it's HER JOB to clean up after you!
Ooooh, promotion. Nice job Anne. Honestly though, Anne's pretty much full of win no matter what.
Banner, on the other hand....
Banner: Oh God oh God oh God, how do I make it stop.
Banner: They don't usually do this! I don't know what to do!
Banner: Maybe if I just... put her here... Yeah. I think that'll work.
Banner: You could've stepped in to help whenever, dear.
Anne: *gasp* This book is just riveting!
Oh! So, shameless picture spam, but I'm SO excited about the way this bathroom turned out. So really, that's the only reason for this picture to be here.
Oh Lord, we need to get some working hair on this kid. That is indeed Grace. I didn't want her to be so far behind her siblings.
There we go! That's much better.
Here are her stats. One thing's for sure, at least one child will let the maid pick up after them.
Galen's such a sweet grandpa.
I don't know where my jackass Galen went to, but I don't mind at times like these.
Haha Galen, I'm in total agreement.
Of course, the littlest one was left to her own devices. Is anyone shocked that this is the result?
There we go, that's a much better activity, Grace.
Grace: Alright, and the blue block goes here.
Grace: Or not... Hmmm.
Grace: Maybe here? No?
Grace: I see.
That face is terrifying. To make up for it, smustle spam time:
/smustle spam
Fineas, that's not your bed.
It doesn't make it your bed if you sleep in it, either.
Kerith: I would like to go to bed, but there seems to be a small child in it. Think you could take care of that for me?
On it.
Sorry Fin, you heard the woman.
Meanwhile, it's time for some serious Rock, Paper, Scissors action.
Dinah: Nooo! How could I be so stupid?! Of course she was lulling me into a false sense of security with the paper! I've failed!
Ellie: Oh yeah, who's the greatest! *gloats*
And to wrap up this update, here's a picture of Grace, who I aged up again because I felt she was still to far behind the others. She turned out rather well, I think.
Next time: Teenagers and stuff!