Alright, so last time, Banner moved back into the house, found Anne, and they got married. I think that was it, really.
You two just couldn't leave the hot tub to the newlyweds, could you?
Kerith: Shhh! He's working his magic.
I'm sure he is, but I don't want to hear any more about it, mmkay?
Mmmm smelly omelets. That's one classy reception!
Yes, Banner, go forth and multiply with your good lookin' bride.
Apparently a good time was had by all.
Anne: Hey, I hope you don't mind that I threw that chili in the fridge out. It was seeming kind of... industrial.
Kerith: Actually, it's supposed to smell like that. I got this tip from someone about adding a little kick in. A pinch of rocket fuel does it every time.
Anne: Oh really? That's very interesting.
Anne: On a completely unrelated note, why don't you let me take over some of the cooking? It would make me feel useful.
Psh, Galen plays hardball, yo.
Thatta boy.
Good Lord almighty, WHAT are you wearing, Banner?
Banner: What, it's my hypnotist outfit.
Sweetie, no amount of hypnotism is going to make people think that looks good. Just so you know.
Galen's been working hard to keep that girlish figure.
Ah, a cheese sandwich fried in butter. Way to undo everything you just did upstairs.
Galen: Any other smart comments you want to make?
Um... no.
I didn't even realize she was pregnant. She never got morning sickness or anything.
Anne: Dear Diary, now that everyone else is in bed, I can tell you of my secret plans to fill the nursery with teddy bears. Don't tell ANYONE!
How dastardly, Anne.
Have a 2 am craving for hamburgers? Anne's got you covered.
Banner thinks T.V. will rot your brain.
Conversely, Galen thinks that literacy is for losers. Oh Galen.
Kerith: Hey, grats on getting married. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was a little bit busy with your father in the hot tub.
Banner: If I hug you and say thank you, will you never tell me about it?
Kerith: Deal.
This is pretty much what Anne's been doing all pregnancy. Eating pancakes and sleeping a lot. Sounds like the perfect existence to me.
Anne: I know Galen doesn't really go for the whole book thing... but I think it's important to be well educated.
Kerith: I totally agree! You need a good education. You can't just show off some cleavage and expect to get ahead in life.
Anne: *plusplus*
Kerith: I have to head out to work now. Wish me luck! I'm angling for a promotion.
Anne: ....
Galen's been hard at work on Kerith's portrait. I think it turned out well.
Oh-ho, look who doesn't have to wear that lame suit anymore. Nice job, Banner.
There was a second pop and I missed it. Not that it's all that exciting... but still.
What's up, Kerith? Feeling your biological clock ticking?
Kerith: It's not ticking, it's like a damn klaxon!
That's it, just go with it. Also, if you would please not age up into that outfit, that'd be great. K thx.
Take Home Townie: That woman just needs to accept the fact that she's old. It's just so much sadder when they fight it.
There, that's better. Kerith, you make a very cute old lady.
Kerith: Could you not call me that? I don't like it : (
Aw, Kerith! I'm sorry. Please don't make that face again. It's so sad!
Anne: And then they passed the Superhuman Registration Act to make all the superheroes register their real names and stuff.
Take Home Townie: *doesn't care*
Anne: It was sheer insanity! It's not like the villains are going to follow laws anyways, AND you're just making it easier for the villains to track down superheroes' families to take revenge! Not like they don't do that already, like when Kyle Rayner found his girlfriend in the fridge.
Take Home Townie: *doesn't care even MORE*
Anne: I get the feeling you don't want to be friends.
Take Home Townie: Interesting.
(I would like to take the time to say: I will try not to subject you guys to comic book history again.)
Anne drowns her feelings of rejection in pancake batter.
Banner: Want me to give you one of the famous Breckenridge Backrubs?
Anne: Did you learn it from your sister?
Banner: Yep.
Anne: I'm good, sweetie, thank you.
Kerith, I feel like maybe you shouldn't sit like that in those pjs.
Galen: You know, even if you are old, I think you're pretty hot.
Galen: In fact... c'mere.
Galen: *whispers sweet nothings*
Awww.... Galen, I love you.
Anne: Oh crap.
Baby time!
Twins again! Which I blame on Banner's super family sim sperm.
Kerith's holding Dinah, the firstborn, and Anne has Ellie. They both have Anne's eyes, Dinah has Anne's skintone, and Ellie has Banner's. Also, Ellie looks to have what I will now be calling "The Breckenridge Nose". Also, both girls.
Kerith: YES! I have more babies to put on the floor!
Dinah doesn't stay on the floor for long, however.
You don't know how lucky your are, little girl.
Galen: Hey! I... I think I broke something!
Galen: Oh yeah, definitely broke something. I think it's my back.
Galen: Whoa. I'm old. Why are my hands so wrinkly?
That hair's a bit ridiculous, Galen. I'm gonna have to fix that.
I did almost make him bald... But I didn't want to bring down the wrath. So I settled for white hair.
Now that he feels he's old enough to be a grandpa, Galen decides to have a look at the grandchilluns.
Galen: Oh, well, they're kinda cute. Why didn't I like them before? Seems like there was something....
Galen: Oh God now I remember. The smell, get it away! Why do they smell so bad!
Banner's very happy with his babies.
So happy he has to go try to make more.
I thought you didn't like them, Galen.
Galen: Well... you know... they're cute when they're asleep. And not smelly.