Apr 29, 2007 22:59
I went to the last women's lacrosse home game today, just because I've never been to one. Plus, they're free and the team's #1, so its a win all around. They did win and were hella good, as far as I can tell from my limited knowledge of laX. If you can catch a ball being whipped at your face with a netted stick and then run around with it like a mad woman without dropping said ball, you're pretty talented in my book. We won 16-4 against some unimportant school I'd never heard of.
So during the game, I sunned myself with the adequate amount of sunscreen everywhere but my legs, because my legs have not tanned or burned since I was 13 (I remember, because that summer I only wore long jeans and after that my legs have stayed pale). Of course, I look at my legs after a long day outside, and there are six-inch splotches of burn on the front part of each leg, but nowhere else. the rest is still pale as ever. f-ing a. Even if that burn turns into a tan, it will still suck because only a small portion of my leg will be lightish brown, and the rest will be reflective.
I realized that I'm really going to miss my boss at the special events office after I graduate. She's a little 60sih woman who's quite a fire-cracker, and acts as my mom/grandma away from home. I think she's one of the only people besides my real mom who asks me how I'm doing every time I see her and genuinely wants to know. She does mom things like tell me when she thinks I'm losing too much weight, tries to teach me lessons by telling me about her own life experiences, and makes sure I'm on top of my shit. Most of all, she can laugh at herself, which is my favorite thing about her. She has her quirks, but mostly they make her more loveable. Awww, she-she, how I'll miss you....