Nov 17, 2015 22:29
As I mentioned earlier in a post, I have had a night throbbing pains like I have run a marathon in my sleep. My GP on the 29th October told he he had no time to examine me and could I see someone else.
Well I made a GP appointment for 25th November (as flu season cant get any appointments) but the pain has increased in a week that is stinging and burning at night.
All day fine usual itching and pins and needles in legs.
Throbbing started at 8pm, by 12:10 burning kicked in. 2 am I was just crying from the pain doped on co-codamol. 4am woke up again and no sleep genuinely felt my legs had been cut to ribbons and then set on fire. Throat so constricted there was no way of taking more than half a co-doamol - total agony ;_;
Called 111 and after interview they arranged for me to be picked up by Ambulance and be seen in A&E by 8 am.
Some how from being fine yesterday I had flu that I was treated by doctors and nurses at a distance or with them in masks/gloves etc
How many drugs to thrown at a girl who couldnt even swallow water, electric pads over body and limbs, draw blood and forced strip down to robe with no covers >_<
Burning torture of legs was a mass build up of Lactic Acid lactic acidosis? no real reason how I gained something that is more associated with vigorous exercise other than the Fibromyalgia label again.
With all my joint problems in both legs could be anything. The ambulance paramedics where just like 'wow you are far to young for all of this' same with a nurse I have been termed 'unlucky' but highly praise me because I continue to work - trooper status.
Well I was given lots of medicines and told I can go home. I have no money for taxis, only in my Pjs slipper socks and dressing gown. As I live a few minutes up the road I walked home.
Oh I looked like I was crazy and escaping! Not that anyone tried to stop me just alot of looks and side stepping lol
So Bananas, salty crackers and water as carbohydrates and sugars are going to make it worse, lots of rest as exercise will make it worse plus get over Flu that I got outta no where! :S