Finally! WE HAVE PLATES! *aka projects, FYI* I've been longing for plates because I think I'm fangirling too much, concentrating too much on my community. I'm actually having fun, but I just don't want to overdo it. Yammiedoo isn't a freaky fan. =)) =)) =)) BUT BUT BUT Arashi is having an album this august and I can't stop but FLAAAAAIL!!! XD I wanna watch their concert on August 30 at the Kokuritsu! I need to make a deal with my parents again..Hahahahaha LOL XD And
karmoisin posted an InooxRyutaro scan, and they were talking about Inoo teaching Ryutaro how to make a yakisoba cup! TOO CUTE! PET AND MASTER! HAHAHAHAHAHA XD I won't translate the whole thing now because I have to concentrate on my plates. ^^
Anyway, gotta go back to work! *YAY, REAL WORK!*