I am now 38% complete...

Sep 06, 2004 16:31

I saw Hero...i heard people say that it sucked, that it had bad storyline, bad cinematics, bad characters, even worse acting and that it was in japanese. Well those people dont know how totally and utterly wrong they are. That movie lacks a better word than perfect, it is beautiful, spiritual and downright kick ass. The cinematics, the storyline all connect in an entity of grace and majestic power. Jet Li is a truly wonderful hero, both fierce and merciful. I would not change one thing about that movie, not one. Everything fits just as its supposed to: all the characters fall in their place, all the battles are poetry in motion, and even the weapons serve a meaningful purpose in the movie. Quentin Tarantino...god bless you dude. God...bless Quentin Tarantino dude. Also god..thanks for the incredibly hot chinese girls in the movie, you effort did not go unnoticed. I couldnt clap out loud at the end because i was still in shock from the movie, but as soon as i got out and played some Time Crisis 2 (DDR was broken) i let out all my energy...This movie is one for the record books, along with Matrix Revolutions...actually i just loved the DBZ fight in Matrix Revolutions but the movie itself wasnt bad at all. On a final note: Chinese warrior girls who deflect arrows with their clothing are so friggin kick ass >_
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