Aug 15, 2004 11:19
Man, yasumi-con was the shizzle nizzle yesterday, i met new people, they were mostly very friendly and i also saw people i didnt quite like but i kinda spin dodged them and let alex have em lol. Lots of cosplay goin on, mostly naruto and final fantasy, and i had quite a few compliments about my malice mizer shirt including 3 people who wanted to rob me of it and a girl who took a picture with me. I bought Battle Royale Movie and saw it (which was then taken away by my mother because the idea of 42 ninth graders killing each other doesnt appeal to her), also bought this samurai movie called Azumi which i have yet to see, bought 2 Naruto figures and a robot figure thingy, anime hurricane is my new haven. And the people there are so friggin nice. Well then i went to alexs house with Comas, Ernesto, and very cute girl named Maria. Lol about her, well we kinda met her in the morning with her friends, i like her friends...theyre cool xD especially this little short guy, hes hyper and he gave me a scratch on my arm from playing around. Ok, so we saw the battle royale movie, played some DDR, and finally played around with a that was funny. I went home, spoke to Maria online, sent her about 18 Malice Mizer tracks and probably bored the hell out of her(lol i am such an idiot online), well yeah afterwards i hit the sack pretty hard, i was asleep as soon as Boy Meets World was over (i dont care what anyone says, that is a kickin A show). Woke up this morning all sad cuz of my Battle Royale movie, got online and read some journals which made me realize how everyone has a soul mate and whatnot and im like "....damn it, soon ricky, soon." I got over that am listening to Malice Mizer right now. Well, im out, ill update on my first day of school tomorrow. Love and Peace.