May 20, 2010 17:07
So, who else is already in Supernatural withdrawal? I know it's really pathetic of me, but, honestly? I need my boys. I wanna know what happened to Sam!
I know I promised you all coda fics to both Swan Song and Hammer of the Gods, but RL is a bitch sometimes. I promise that they'll be up soon.
So, my brother came home from Texas a while ago. He's at UT Austin for his PhD.
But just because he's doing his PhD doesn't necessarily mean that he's brimming with common sense.
Take today for example.
He had the weed-eater going and was doing the trim around the house.
Mom and I have a flower garden, and because life has been hectic in the last few months, it grew up a bit.
What does my brother do? He cuts.down.the.whole.thing!
I had huge patches of mint growing and I had lilly flowers and purple iris and they're all gone! I'm so pissed. He thought they were all weeds! I am about ready to cry I'm so pissed. It's all just gone! And he didn't apologize either! He just said, 'there weren't any flowers there" and turned back to the TV!
They weren't blooming yet you dumbass!
He hust plowed right through everything with no finesse, just thought 'hey, I'll clear some brush'
It wasn't brush, it was a flower patch you moron!
Fucking men.
life or something like it,
ohio is for lovers