This...actually makes me angry

Jan 27, 2010 12:00

So I saw that someone posted a link to this man's blog, and since it concerned SPN sash, I had to read it.

I kind of wish I hadn't.

Basically, Austrailia is trying to enforce a new law that is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of our first ammendment right to free speech here in North America.

The law states that any type of representation of 'regected content' such as, oh say...incest, child abuse, blah,blah,blah...can cause you to be arrested.

They (the Austrailian government) are under the assumption that just because someone talks about a certain situation, they are more likely to want to be a part of said situation.

The article specifically mentions Wincest, slash, and yaoi manga as being subject for blacklisting.
This means that Aussie citizens won't even be ABLE to access websites tha even MENTION these themes, let alone read any fanfiction.

The Aussie state says that even fictional representations of caracters are still 'people' and should be seen as such.

That's a load of Bull.

It's called fanFICTION for a reason people!

We KNOW it's not real.

Now, people who academically research these themes and others for scholarly purposes are going to be subject for arrest.

God, I feel sorry for that country.

I LOVE fanfiction. It's such a cathartic outlet for basically ANY emotion you could feel. You can find a story to fit any situation, and sure, when you read a fic (just like with any book) you become a part of that story while you read. You become INVOLVED with the characters.

It doesn't mean I want to go have sex with my sibling because I read Wincest. Dumbass.

It has to do with passion. And the Australian government is taking away its citizens' right to convey that passion in writing and film and any other source of presentation.

So here's my question...What abot film?

There is an Aussie independent film fesival every year, and indie film has a history of dealing with subject matter that Hollywood won't. So what happens if someone creates the most amazing documentary on escaping from an abusive situation that could help hundreds of thousands of individuals living with that from day-to-day, and then it's never shown?

I'm ashamed to say that I rarely think about how much better my life is because of where I live.

However, I am very thankful that where I live, the government can't take away my right to self expression. I know it's not the same as being thankful for a roof over my head, food to eat, and clean water to drink, but it means a lot to me.

I wouldn't be the same person otherwise.

So screw you Australia. In the words of Dean Wichester, You can shove it where the sun shines, because honestly? You suck.

To any of the lovely and wonderful Aussie supernatural fans out there, I hope that this doesn't come to pass and that the Aussie conventions, fiction and fanbase will still exist peacefully for years to come. You all rock.

For any of you that want to read the prepared to want to throw things.

rants, the boys, government, fandom

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