Group Shot!

Oct 26, 2014 02:43

So here's everyone (minus Kai because he's still bodyless

L-R: Logan, Shou, Johann, Addie, Rocky, Jared, PoRaBeya and RiCo


I've been wanting to do a group shot of all my dolls for a while now and huurrr~ I'm just so happy they all managed to stand like that for the whole shoot! They're still standing like that right now! >u<

Also, bonus shot of the Reinhardts. I really love their eyes. Such beautiful people. ;o;

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super gem ivory, soom, cfaith andy, b line yuri, m line laen, jared, bjd, cherishdoll, porabeya, rico, abjd, addie, doi crush, migidoll, crobidoll, logan, t line berry, cho, t line buddy pola, johann, shou, dod, dream of doll, rocky

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