new DNAngel chapter translations link and other stuff

Dec 05, 2010 11:29

New DNAngel translations here:

Had quite a busy weekend. My friend and travel buddy Michele's friend came out for the weekend and we took her to Seoul to do some shopping. We started off at Hongik Women's University because she wanted to go visit the Coffee Prince coffee shop. After that we migrated to the shopping area of Hongik and dilly dallied around there. They had a special promotion at Dunkin Donuts where you could get a free pair of ear muff headphones if you bought a Christmas cake, and since Michele's birthday was coming up her friend bought a cake for her in order to get the ear muff headphones thing.

Afterward, we headed to Jonggak where I picked up the latest Asuka and then off to Yongsan to look at the electronics, where I saw Tales of Graces. >_<

We were exhausted today, so we spent most of the day watching movies and dramas. Saw "The Body of Jennifer" a supposedly horror movie (though I didn't think it was that scary) and "Salt". Salt was a lot better than the Jennifer one. I realized after talking to her about movie preferences that I don't really watch a lot of movies, nor do I watch a lot of TV shows. I know more Japanese seiyuu than I do American actors, which I guess is kind of depressing. In the end, I guess that kind of thing never really mattered to me. I mean, who cares who's in it; I just want to know what the movie is about!

Lately I feel like I've been getting really annoyed with Koreans. I guess I'm starting to get homesick since I know that I'm leaving for home soon. The whole lead-follow thing has always amused me, but lately it's just annoying me. It's like, learn to think for yourselves, people. Shy away from the norms. Be yourself; don't worry about what the other people think. But the whole lead-follow thing is indoctrined into them since they were young, and it's hard for them to change. It probably doesn't help that I'm going to Seoul every weekend and the people there can be kind of rude at times, especially in the subway. They seem to be even ruder to foreigners, as my friend regularly experience being jabbed in the gut or shoved aside. I don't get that as much since I'm taller and probably look pissed off when I'm on the subway (because I hate taking the subway to Seoul). There are several other things that kind of tick me off, but I won't waste time divulging them all here. I'm sure I'll experience this same sort of feeling when I go back to the US and have to deal with other Americans, though. X_X

I think I just hate people or something. >_

seoul, dnangel, rl, translations

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