May 26, 2010 22:19
I'm not so sure how well most of you know about the situation in North and South Korea, but here's a quick brief. North Korea bombed one of South Korea's ships and South Korea wanted North Korea to pay, to no avail. So now North Korea is severing all ties with Seoul and South Korea. There's been talk of war between the two countries. North and South Korea have had really bad relations since I came here, but it seems to be getting more serious. Not only that, but the economy is doing worse, which makes it harder for us in Korea, especially foreigners who want to send money home. I also feel bad for the people who have families in North Korea. It was hard to see them before, but now it might be impossible. And China is on North Korea's side! The US is pressuring China to stop supporting North Korea, but who knows how far that will go, especially since the US has affairs of its own. We can't play with everyone.
On a whole 'nother note, it's election time in Korea! Election people have been out on the streets all day, singing election jingles to the tunes of "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" and "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer". And there are dancers too. It's enough to drive someone mad. Koreans as well are ticked off, and the feedback from the citizens hasn't been too positive, so a lot of the candidates are toning down their music.
Three of my co-workers are leaving by the end of the week, so they opened their house for item taking. I was able to get some pretty nice stuff, including some cooking pots, blankets, pillows, some Korean books, and various other stuff. I used one of the blankets as a rug (totally feel like a college student right about now), which has made a vast improvement. I think it will actually encourage me to go barefoot it my house, as opposed to always wanting to wear my shoes since the floors are kind of cold.
Next semester is next week. We weren't allowed to ask our kids if they leveled up or not, but a lot of them told us anyway. I've pretty much figured out what kids I'll have next term, since my boss seems insistent that my schedule has the least amount of change as possible. All the classes are the same except now I have Tera instead of Giga. Middle school Mega is the most loathed level one class because it has a lot of slacker kids in it, and I, unfortunately, teach that one two times. I'm not really looking forward to that.
Hoping to play some videogames this weekend. What think you, F-list, Tales of Destiny or Tales of Eternia?