Christmas Package!

Dec 28, 2009 20:52

So I got my package from my family yesterday. The size was huge and the shipping price made me want to cry. Why, oh, why, do they insist on sending me packages? But anyway, it was a nice surprise. They even wrapped all the stuff so I could have "presents" to open.

Anyway, here's the swag I got.

2 boxes of swiss cake rolls
2 boxes of Nerds candy
1 recycled candy cane with old people candy ^^;;;
1 box of Voortman sugar wafer cookies
2 fun size pack of skittles
2 boxes of hot chocolate mix
a pack of Office Max white board markers
3 multi-color white board markers with erasers on the other end (black, red, blue)
a Christmas fleece throw blanket
a scarf, gloves, and hat combo
a Christmas card from my grandparents
a Christmas card from my eldest sister and her boyfriend, plus $20 USD
a Christmas card from my older brother and his wife, plus $20 USD
the church newsletter with my article in it (per my request)

I think I'm going to save the money for when I get back to America, and then I can buy a videogame. I'm thinking either Muramasa or the new Harvest Moon game. But probably Muramasa.
Anyway, I was soooooo excited about the markers. Yes, the markers. Korean markers, or at least the ones here we use, are made of fail. They're the kind you have to constantly refill, and they leak all over the place. And while the ink will come off your hands, it does NOT come off your clothes. But the ones I got from home are more marker like, so no leakage there.

I requested a copy of my church's newsletter because I wanted to see how my article looked and people kept forgetting to scan it for me. I thought it was a little funny that they captioned one of my pictures as belonging to both Ashley, another girl from our church who's in Korea, and me when it was me and my training buddies hanging out in Seoul. Heck, it wasn't even MY picture to begin with. I got it from facebook. I hadn't realized how long and rooted in information my newsletter was until I read the two newsletters side by side and realized that I liked to ramble a lot. But apparently a lot of people liked my article, which focused primarily on my experiences with Korea as well as the differences between America and Korea. I tried to give them what I thought they wanted, and I guess it worked out pretty well considering all the compliments.

They're opening a new class up at work during my free period, which means I might be bumped back up to 27 hours. Makes me excited! Also, Korean classes start January 18. I'm also excited about that. At least then I won't have Koreans mad at me for not learning their super special awesome language! Speaking of which, Happy wants me to be on the evangelism team, and also to give my personal testimony in Korean on my birthday. And I'm like, personal testimony? *gulps* Is that really something everyone has? I don't know. I'm going to have to think long and hard about both and see what God tells me what to do.

rl, christmas, xmas, korea

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