Beryl: 「ほら、これでいいだろ! 大事なコハクをスウイ〜〜トで休ませてあげなよ、ふんつ!」

Oct 04, 2009 10:25

Played more hearts today. I got to the part where Kohaku gets her super special awesome powers and then we visit the hotel. There the party asks Beryl to pay for the room. Beryl refuses, and Shing and Hisui beg her, saying it's for Kohaku's sake. Like that makes Beryl any happier. She eventually agrees to pay, but storms off afterward. Shing asks where she's going and she says she's going to go paint a picture. He wants to go with and she's all happy, wondering what that means. And Shing totally destroys her dreams by stating he's doing it for Kohaku.

I'm not a BIG Beryl fan, but I can definitely feel her pain. The Kohaku love could drive any young girl with a crush insane. I feel kind of bad for her...

Ep 4 of Vampire Diaries. Nearly forgot to watch it this week since we had off of school. The ending was sooo cryptic. I won't give it away, but it had me rolling my eyes. For some reason, it reminded me of the Animorphs series, with its bad acting when the characters tried to be serious. It looks bad when kids mess it up, it looks even worse when adults do it.

So Bonnie's witch powers continue to grow as she can now light candles on fire. Things are spiffy as ever with Stefan and Elena, at least for part of the episode. The sub plot with Vickie is still pretty lame, as it's steadily, but slowly progressing, and now they added a sub plot with Elena's aunt. I wasn't too surprised since she actually had a boyfriend/fiance in the books.

Most of this episode was focused on Damon and his little love affair with Carolyn (spl?) and getting Elena to become confused on who she can trust, Stefan or Damon. But here the show adds in a part where Elena sees the bite marks on Carolyn from Damon. It wasn't supposed to end up this way. Anyway, I was a little surprised because I thought the bite marks would heal faster, yet Carolyn had wounds all over. That can only mean that they're slowing down the healing rate, or that Damon is biting Carolyn a lot. Either seems possible, I guess.

By the way. Underaged drinking. Not allowed at high school parties, but allowed at the founder's party. What's up with that? All those adults around and high schoolers drinking wine?

Anyway, the show is continuing its progression of lameness, but at least Damon is badarse enough to make up for it. Slightly. He's not as awesome as he is in the book, of course, but his stark contrast to the uptight, good boy Stefan. His laid back nature and witty comments are a nice source of relief from all the other characters, who seem pretty serious in nature.

I'm looking forward, or not, to the whole shenanigans with the locket-- why it's so vital-- and Stefan's "mourning" over his "departed" brother.

Till next week, Vampire Diaries. At the very least, I like you better than Twilight.

Speaking of which, they had a reference to Twilight in the show. Carolyn was having Damon read from the first book and Damon was complaining that real vampires aren't like that at all. I admit it, I LOL'ed

vampire diaries, videogames, toh, tv, vd, namco

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