I wonder if I'm getting sick... I woke up with a sore throat today and now my head is starting to hurt. X_X
I went to the dentist today to get a final check up and nearly cried when I got the bill. Having no insurance really sucks. I had no cavities or anything, but the bill was still over $100. I guess this just makes up for all the years when I didn't have to pay for dentistry thanks to my dad's leet insurance. Neither me nor my dad have insurance now, thanks to me graduating from college (but then I didn't have insurance in college either because I was too old) and my dad's being laid off from work. Thankfully I've been blessed with decent teeth and haven't had any major problems for years.
After that Michelle-chan came over and we played Tales of Vesperia.
She's up to the part where Don dies to atone for Belius getting killed.
I still can't agree with everyone who says that Yuri killed Cumore. Sure, he's responsible for Cumore's death since could've saved him and didn't, but he didn't directly kill Cumore. I'm not sure if people count Don's death as another kill, but I can't say I count that one either since it was more of an assisted suicide.
I'm hoping to finish Eternal Sonata before I leave and leave Hearts, Innocence, Star Ocean 1 and 2, and Rebirth for my stay in South Korea. I've been playing a lot of Hearts lately, but mostly I've just been leveling up. Hisui is irritatingly weak right now and dies too easily. I'm really looking forward to getting another Sohma user because Hisui and Shing can't cut it at their current levels and it's hard to level them up when I keep having to make frequent trips to the inn to restore my HP.
Neverless, I love Heart's battle system and the characters are fun. I really like Shing's voice actor for some reason; it just really seems to fit his personality. I just wish more of the game were voiced...
I've received my Visa number from South Korea a few days ago and have an appointment with the South Korean consulate this Friday. Hopefully all will go well... I'm actually a little nervous about this.
I'm getting kind of excited about the Vesperia movie. Maybe I'll try to visit Japan when the movie comes out in theaters so Omi and I can see it together... どう思う、オミ君?