Meme and stuff

Mar 09, 2009 11:07

To My LJ Buddies:
Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

tagged by kazenokaitou

Ah, Nihongo. The love of my life and the bane of my existence. I have a complete love-hate relationship with this language. Love because I like learning it and the language itself, but hate because it's soo stressful when I can't get it right. XD Seriously, the thought of quitting Japanese has come to me several times, but every time I've always crawled back to it and started all over again. Still, learning Japanese has probably been one of the most rewarding things for me. Being able to understand what a character is saying in Japanese or to translate a manga really makes one feel good, and I am no exception. Now if only I could get my listening skills up to date...

[video games]
I grew up with video games and have recently gotten back into them, so it's no big surprise this would be there. I am an avid videogame news-aholic. I think I spend more time looking up videogaeme news than actually playing the games. But it's still so nice to be on top of everything in relation to videogames.

Back to the actual games... I've been playing videogames since I was young child, barely old enough to pick up a controller. I started off with the Atari, as system I have practically no memories of, worked my way through Coleco Vision and then the NES. NES and Sega Genesis is where I have my most fondest memories, as those were really the start of my interest in videogames. I was content to play "the nintendo" and "the sega" until the arrival of the N64. Poor SNES got completely skipped over. After the N64 and PSX there was a long break where I played very few videogames. At the time I had more pressing matters at hand- surviving high school, watching anime, making friends. Even after I managed to do all of that I never got back into anime. Instead I went for manga. It wasn't until Zelda was announced that I had to get a Gamecube. Thus began my return to videogames. Then came the DS...and the PS2...and the Wii...and the PSP...and here I am now, avidly looking up videogame news and buying videogames I don't have time to play. But it's so much fun. XD

[Yami no Matsuei]
My memories of getting into YnM are ridiculously clear. It was during the time I was reading scanlations for DN on aku-tenshi. I had to wait long periods of time between DN chapters, so I decided to take a look at some of the other manga Aku-Tenshi had listed on their site. Yami no Matsuei was one of them. Despite the "shounen-ai" warning (well, they called DN a shounen-ai too and there was nothing in there, so...), I trudged through the first volume. And didn't really like it...

Around that time the anime was released, and Michelle-chan, who knew I had read Yami, told me about that. I initially kind of ignored the anime as I felt that the manga wasn't that great, but boredom led me back to the manga and I began to read more...and proceeded to fall in love with it. With my interest in the series growing, I began to look for the anime. At this time I didn't download anime through bitorrent and was still running on dial-up, so I ended up downloading the show through kazaa. Kazaa would let you preview the eps while you were downloading them, and I began to watch them. And proceeded, yet again, to get hooked.

I really related to Tsuzuki, who hid himself behind a false persona and didn't let anyone see the real side of him. I had a lot of that going on in high school, and I still struggle with that today. Out of all the anime characters I've met, I'd say I still relate to him the best.
I also really liked Hijiri for some reason... I guess he reminded me of Hisoka, who I liked but thought was creepy because his eyes were blank. Eventually, the mangka drew in eyes for Hisoka and my interest in Hisoka grew as well.

I think what really gravitated me toward YnM was the attention to characters and character development. The manga focused heavily on Tsuzuki and Hisoka's relationship as they worked to try and understand each other. I always found it interesting that Tsuzuki is the one who seems open and Hisoka closed, but we never really learn much about Tsuzuki's past or childhood, while Hisoka's is like an open book.

I'm assuming this is Luke fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss (after all, I highly doubt it's Luke Skywalker). If Tsuzuki is my anime/manga counterpart, I've always seen Luke as my videogame counterpart. Although he's gone through a heck of a lot more than me, I can relate to him best out of all the characters I've met in videogames.

I actually got attached to Luke at the beginning of the game. Many people complained that Luke was too whiny, too bratty, but I always assumed something like that wouldn't last. At any rate, Luke had his good qualities too, he just didn't know how to express them. The more and more I saw of that, the more and more I became interested in Luke.

The biggest turning point for Luke was at Akzeriuth, where Luke, for the first time, had to own up to his problems and carry a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. It was at that time I began to enjoy his character more and more as I watched the changes he went through, some subconscious and some conscious, to change himself. I cheered along with him as Guy returned to him as a faithful friend, and I felt pain for him as Tear froze him with her ice-cold words. In short, I felt like I could emphathize with Luke, more so than I have with any other videogame character.

In a way, DN was a gateway drug for me. DN not only got me into manga in general, but also the Japanese language. It's thanks to DNAngel I started reading other manga, and it's thanks to DN that I started the grueling process of learning Japanese.

DNAngel was introduced to me by VOE, a site dedicated to providing information on anime and manga. I visited the site mostly for Escaflowne, Gundam Wing, and Digimon news. One day the webmistress introduced a new series, DNAngel. She was reading the scanlations and providing chapter summaries based off of them. I read the summaries and was hooked. I visited the site responsible for the scanlations and began to download and read.

My life has never been the same since.

During that time DN hadn't been licensed in the states yet, and scanlations were the only way of reading it in English. I found a copy of the first volume online and bought it so I could have a book copy. I didn't know a lick of Japanese when I started to read it, including hiragana. Because of DNAngel, I decided to memorize hiragana and katakana. But that wasn't enough. I need to know the vocab too...and don't forget the grammar! It's thanks to that I started studying Japanese on my own and getting into DN.

How does this relate to Daisuke? Well, Dai-chan is the main character, and he's really what got me hooked onto DN in the first place. I don't have a favorite character, per se, but I've always had a soft spot for Daisuke Niwa. I enjoyed seeing how Daisuke would try to get out of the situations that Satoshi or Dark set up for him, and how he would keep himself from turning into Dark whenever he found himself next to one of the Harada twins. Dai-chan may not have been my favorite character, but he's the one who started my love affair for DNAngel that eventually expanded into manga in general and the Japanese language. Thanks a lot, Niwa-kun.

And with that I'm done. Phew.

I've run into a little problem with my diploma. Chungdahm Learning wants me to have my Visa information, which includes my diploma, into Aclipse by June 1. However, I talked to the school today and they can't get my information in until the 8th. No exceptions. Thanks as lot, Purdue...
It really makes me wish I had taken extra classes and graduated in the Winter....If I would have known something like this was going to happen, then...
I sent a letter to the guy, but I'm seriously worried that they're going to be mad at me and pull the rug out from underneath my feet. Please pray for me.

I swear I have the worst luck. I feel like I'm gonna cry. ;-;

rl, meme

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