Video Games

May 14, 2008 22:55

So now M$ is saying they have no wireless motion sensor controller in the works... Yet last week they said they did. URGH. Make up your minds, guys. Anyway, I GIVE UP complaining about you, Microsoft. I hope you're happy now. X_X

....why do I make that sound like it's such a bad thing to stop whining complaining?

KOTAKU reported that Namco accidentally posted Tales of Vesperia for the PS3 AND 360. Of course they changed it right away, but this makes me happy since it means that maybe it'll come to the PS3 eventually. It may just be a mistake, but I'm very hopefully anyway. I don't mind waiting for a PS3 release because I won't be getting a PS3 for some time.

My next system will be a PSP, especially considering I'm getting a PSP game for my birthday....

Also speaking of Tales, according to my Tales forum there is a new Tales game coming out on the DS. 'Course it probably won't come to the states, but the idea of another game is exciting. I kinda hope it'll be 2D... but it'll probably be 3D like Innocence and Tempest.

Speaking of which, I find it interesting that they're making nothing but new Tales games for the DS, but they're recycling older games for the PSP. I wonder what's up with that?

I think I'm almost done with Baten Kaitos Origins. It's kind of bitter sweet. I've been playing the game for 50+ hours over a span of playing off since January and I want to see the end, but when it's over it's over. I hope BKO gives me a fun incentive to replay it... especially since some of those battles I do NOT want to do again (holoholo bird, anyone?)

I still have a whole horde of videogames to play when I'm done, but I'm not really sure which one I should try out next...

Of course, I am, as usual, really tempted to get a new game...but I really should actually play through some of the games I actually own.
(to be honest, some of them I bought cuz they were cheap, not because I was like, "I wanna play this!". I got them with the idea that, "this is a good game, and it's cheap to boot. I'll get it and play it someday")

-Xenosaga 1
-Xenosaga 2
-Tales of Legendia (this, probably)
-Shadow Hearts (almost done)
-Shadow Hearts 2 (file started)
-Devil May Cry (meh. DMC is more of my anger management game)

-LoZ: The Wind Waker
-Baten Kaitos (I'm about half way through...I think)
-LoZ: Majora's Mask (Yeah right >_<)
-Skies of Arcadia (stuck in a stupid airship battle)

I also wouldn't mind playing earlier Tales games...

What do you guys think? I gotta have something to tide me over until Rebirth and KoR.

Videogame meme I snagged from roseice-san.

What's your favourite Video Game?
-Threads of Fate

Game series?

-Luke from Abyss
-Rue from Threads of Fate
-Kalas from Baten Kaitos
-"Leon" from Shadow Hearts because me makes me LOL XD
(I never like the girls for some reason. O.o)

What gaming genre do you prefer?
-Most likely RPGs. I like adventure games like Zelda and Okami too.

If you could pick any game-invented race to be...
-Well, I think the Zoran race is cool, but I wouldn't want to be one. I guess an elf from Zelda. Gotta love the ears.

Are you partial to games with good graphics?
-Having good graphics is a plus, but it's not a necessity. Compared to the next gen consoles, most of my favorite games have 'bad' graphics, but that doesn't mean I like them any less.

What is the most innovative game you've ever played?
-Well, I always thought the concept of Chibi-Robo was kind of innovative...
I'm not really sure though.

Which has had the highest replay value for you?
-Probably either Threads of Fate or Harvest Moon, considering I've played through each game over half a dozen times...

What is the first game you ever played?
-Frogger on the Atari? I dunno. That's the first one I remember playing...

What games do you currently play most often?
-Right now it's Baten Kaitos Origins. I play a lot of Twilight Princess too, but that's mostly just me fooling around. And I've still been playing Brawl a lot since that's what my cousins and I mostly do when we get together.

What is the best system you've played?
-That's hard to say.

As a system itself, I like the 'cube a lot because its games (for the most part) have short load times and it has good graphics capability, but lack of a good library and crappy disc size keep it from being the best system. I also pretty much like all of the RPGs I have for the 'cube, which is not the case with the PS2.

The PS2 spec wise is definitely a lot weaker than the GCN in both graphics and loading times, so it loses out in that. But on the other hand, the PS2 in general has a long stronger of a library, which I definitely do not take advantage of. >_<

I'd vote for the Wii because I like the console in general (It's an organizer's dream!), but unfortunately the Wii library is kinda lacking, too.... X_X Can't really compare it specs wise.
(there's really no point)

And sad to say, I'm not going to include any of my earlier systems or hand helds...

So I guess it's probably the GCN, followed by the PS2 and then the Wii... But I don't really know.

If you could recommend a game to everyone which would you recommend? Why?
-I recommend Tales of the Abyss to like every RPG fan I meet. And every one of them that play it loves it. XD
I've also been recommending Okami a lot to people. I think that's mostly because I think the game is so underrated.

Which game has the best soundtrack?
-Baten Kaitos, I guess. BKO has a good OST too, but nothing beats BK's battle music. It's awesome. Motoi Sakuraba is teh awesome.

Is there a game you used to love, but the fanbase killed it for you?
-I think FF got killed in general for me... Other than that I usually keep on liking a game even if it gets popular. It's only games that I'm not into that I get annoyed with when they become popular...

Do you prefer good gameplay or story?
-Story over gameplay *coughcoughbatenkaitosorigins*, but it really, really helps if I like the gameplay too. Some games I have a hard time getting through because I can't stand the battle system. *coughcoughbatenkaitos*

Name the video game that tells the best story.
-Baten Kaitos Origins, I guess. Totally kicks any other RPG I've played out of the water. <3
(then again, I haven't played a whole lot...)

Tales of the Abyss had a great storyline too ^__^
(Symphonia's was meh...)

And the most fun, addicting battle system award goes to?
-I like Tales style battle the best, where it's free motion but not on a 3D plane like Kingdom Hearts. KH fighting was fun, but all of the different angles made it difficult to see the enemy sometimes. Anyway, Threads also has a similar battle style to Tales too, and I guess I'm just used to that.
Least favorite is strategy, followed by cards, and then turn base. Turn base isn't bad; it's just boring.

How many video games (estimated) in your collection?
-According to IGN, I have 107 games in my collection. Of course, this is counting my NES and computer games (like Sims and Amazon Trail) in addition to my normal console and hand held collection. I am also counting Tales of Rebirth which I don't technically own yet.

my IGN page:

videogames, meme

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