Can you remember how long your longest battle took? I think I pulled an all time record with over an hour for one fight. That's probably not that insane, but I haven't had a battle go on that long for a long, long time.
Ikasu and I were talking about Baten Kaitos Origins today and although I was playing SSBB, I thought I should probably get back to a game I haven't actually beat yet (since I technically beat Brawl- SSE anyway). I was originally only going to raise, but I got sick of fighting the same monsters over and over. So I played with my deck, took about half of my cards out of my deck, and made sure I had plenty of healing items. My biggest mistake was allowing Guillo and Milly to be my melee fighters while relying on Sagi for healing. The fight I had consisted of three birds: two mothers and a baby. I wanted attacks that would hit all of them. Milly and Guillo have a lot of attacks like that, but Sagi barely has any- if he has any at all. So I set up him up more as a healer. Only, it didn't work quite as well as I hoped.
The baby birds had this annoying ability to restore their mother's life, and if you kill them the mother will only hatch another. She'll take a turn laying it, and it'll take a few turns for the egg to hatch, but it means that killing the baby birds is kind of pointless; though they DO get weaker the more times you kill them...
Anyway, the birds and I continued to fight long into the evening, with the baby birds healing their mother every time she was low on life. Finally I was able to kill both of them and although she'd been doing it the whole time, the mother bird didn't lay more eggs right away. Thanks to that and some EX attacks, I was able to finally defeat the bird and get past where I was stuck.
Thank God.
I apologize if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about.
So today we went to my aunt's house to celebrate my cousins' birthdays. Michael got some tool set, Carl got some DVDs and Brain Age 2 (since when did he have a DS?) and Kyle got Mario Kart Wii. Needless to say we spent the majority of the afternoon playing Mario Kart. Once everyone went off to church in the evening, Carl, who decided he wasn't going to go, kept on playing. Since when did he get back into videogames (besides Xbox) anyway? Well, whatever.
So I got the May version of Asuka on Friday.
I haven't had much time to read it yet, but I skimmed through the Code Geass chapter and it looks like it's going to be an interesting one. This chapter featured the Ashford High festival where Lelouch was running around trying to keep CC from being discovered, play his part as a student, and act as Zero. Needless to say, poor Lelouch was a little stressed- especially when he found out why CC came to the festival (but we all know that story). Euphie also came to the festival, dragging Suzaku with. She wound up visiting Nunnally and Lelouch for a little while, but once her identity was revealed she was scooted off of the premises.
Suzaku also found out Kallen's true identity and was requesting that she quit the Black Knights, but Kallen insisted that they believed in Zero and how her fight was personal (she's fighting for her mom and dad, actually. I imagine they were punished for mixing or something, but I don't know much about Kallen's past.)Kallen said she was going to kill him and attempted to, but the geass order that Lelouch had inflicted onto Suzaku activated and Suzaku instinctively saved himself. Afterwards he was a little ashamed at himself for acting so violent...
The chapter finished off with Euphie giving her speech about uniting the Elevens and Britannians and requested that Zero join up with her on this endeavor. Lelouch was not very happy to here this, thinking that Euphie's plan wouldn't work. But we all know the results, of course.
There were some colored scans of Code Geass, but nothing too interesting since I'm not that interested in the mangaka's colored art. I don't mind the art in the manga, but her colored scans are kinda meh. I guess I'm just too used to the anime art..
Besides that, the Asuka issue also came with a folder thingy which Asuka has told me is called a "clear file" (I think) of Code Geass. *too lazy to go check her Asuka to be sure*
It's kind of....interesting. The one side is this:
Lelouch: Britannia shall be crushed by the power of my sexiness.
Prince-whose-name-I-can-never-remember: I can be sexy too! See! See!
Female Britannians: ...
nothing's sexier than the leader of a terrorist organization
But the other side is this:
Suzaku: Are you hungry, Lelouch?
Lelouch: Come to think of it...
Suzaku: Have a bite! *shoves a laxative coated sandwich down Lelouch's throat*
(and that's really how he caught Zero)
(These are stupid. I was bored....)
me: Lelouch...Suzaku.... what on earth are you two doing. >_<
And here I was complaining about all the male fanservice...
Unfortunately, the clear file is kind of useless for storing anything the size of notebook paper, but it's cool anyway (despite the creepy, almost shounen-ai picture of Lelouch and Suzaku.)
Mother's Day was today. Did you get your mom anything? My gift has not yet arrived. My mother always complains about my room and the computer room being messy, so my present to her (since I am a poor college student) is to clean and rearrange both rooms. I start tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to finish at least the computer room by the time she gets home from work tomorrow. We'll see.
Worked at the cottage all of yesterday. Fun times. I heard the weather over here was meh, but the weather up there was awesome. It was a little cool in the morning ('round 8ish), but it warmed up at about 10 and continued to be nice until about 3:30 when the wind began to pick up. The only real annoying thing was the mayflies that kept harassing us for a good part of the morning. Once they calmed down, however, it was great. Perfect weather for siding. We got about half of the lake side of the house sided. Once we get that done we have the front and a little more of the road side to do and then we're done with the outside (for the most part). We can't do anything inside right now because we're waiting on the plumber and electrician.
Luckily, the plumber came out Saturday and went through the house with my dad. Hopefully this means that the plumbing will be done soon.
I can't wait till the house is done and we can finally start calling it our home...
I know some of you are busy with finals this week, so good luck and gambatte!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone again ^______^
If you have time, check this out. It made me laugh.
I am going to take over the world with my knowledge of badly translated Japanese (accompanied by people with equally crappy attempts at mimicking Japanese accents) and Sgt. Frog. YES! kero kero