videogame rambling....and manga

Jan 19, 2008 17:42

So I sucked it up and got the Demon Sacred manga. I decided to only get what hasn't been scanlated, meaning I got about 6 volumes worth of stuff. Irritatingly, they didn't have volumes 4 or 10, but oh well. I guess I can figure out what happened from the summaries of the previous manga...

edit: I need to stay clear of online shopping for a LONG time. I was randomly looking through the DS game prices to make fun of see how ridiculously overpriced they were ($64 USD for a FREAKING hand held game? No thanks) when I came across Pearl. I found this slightly amusing. Pokemon Diamond was marked at normal DS price, $43.99 USD, but the Japanese must hate Pokemon Pearl because it was, I kid you not, $5.99 USD. Insane.

I was irked because I was sorely tempted to get it since a) I wanted more Japanese games that I wouldn't have to pay $50 some dollars for, b) I need a new game for this semester c) I was really tempted to start over in my own game but didn't want to since I had awesome pokemon, but I had already placed in an order and so I wouldn't benefit from the free shipping. Boo. But after counting my spare change I had about 10 or so dollars (counting a $5 that appeared...somehow) So there we go. The game, by the way, averages out to $8.98 with shipping and handling. Still a steal for a DS game....

I'm so glad I got a second job... X_______X (I think)

But really, someone deactivate my yesasia account, please. I need to stop doing this.

I don't mind buying online so much, but since I usually wind up using my mom's credit card to make purchases, she's always bugging me about it afterwards, especially when she sees it come in the mail. But getting 6 Japanese language manga for the price of 3 English language manga is always so tempting... especially when I know it hasn't gotten licensed (yet).

Played some Tales of Symphonia today. I forgot how tedious it gets right before you finally go to the tower of regeneration, or whatever it's called, because you have to do the little "save Pietro!" side quest, which involves having to run around the continent trying to get to Thoda Geyser. The Asgard ranch where you fight Rodyle is where I got stuck the first time and he was kinda hard this time. In this game I don't allow fights to end where I get a negative grade, but with Rodyle I just took it. I didn't want to have to do the ranch level all over again and I hadn't saved because the only save point was AFTER you get into the ranch, and I didn't want to be stuck there.

Gunter came to me with a problem regarding his Wii yesterday. Apparently he couldn't get it to turn on at all. He was getting irritated at Nintendo since his warranty was up and Nintendo wouldn't let him get it fixed for free, even though he'd only played his Wii for ten or so hours in general. I was sympathetic about it, but I tried to remind him that Nintendo doesn't really know or care how much you've played your Wii. If it's broken, it's broken. For all they know you could be lying about it all the sudden not working when really you dropped it on cement or something like that. People do that all the time. He DID get his Wii on launch which I thought could have been the problem since launch consoles sometimes get bugs and stop working. I don't know many people who have had problems with their Wii in regards to this, but it's possible.

Anyway, so I brought his Wii over to my house, unhooked my own Wii from its cords and hooked his in its place. As soon as I plugged the Wii in the red off light lit up and we were go. I turned the system on and it brought me to the main menu. I even got it on the internet, something he couldn't get to work, and updated his Wii so it's on the latest settings.

So I've decided....his Wii must hate him. Poor guy.

According to TP, Yukiru Sugisaki-sensei, creator of one of my favorite manga series, DNAngel, is going to be getting back to work on DN, with new chapters starting as early as January. Dunno how reliable this is, but I will be ecstatic if it's true. I don't really read anything else by the manga-ka, but I heard has a bad habit of leaving her works unfinished. I was really worried DN would follow the same route since it's been untouched since 2005. Hopefully this means we'll be getting volume 12 soon and I'll get to see what happens to Argentine. I guess I know what my next yesasia purchase will be. ^_^

Zelos, Colette, Lloyd, Raine/Refill, and Genis/Genius have been officially announced on Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk's website. And I got the scans to prove it.

My biggest question is...are the characters' so poor that they can't afford to get new clothes after two years. Seriously...Namco was lazy with this. I guess they thought it'd be a tragedy if they took away Lloyd's trademark suspenders.

I'd scanlate it, but GIMP hates me and refuses to load without freezing. X_X
Gomen nasai, minna-san.


Endless Ocean comes out on Tuesday (although I won't pick it up till Wednesday, probably).
I'll give you the scoop on my thoughts about it ASAP.

tos:kor, tos, manga, videogames, rl, namco

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