OR In which Kratos continues to stalk Lloyd and his party.
* means I either don't like how I translated the line, or it means I'm not sure if what I translated is 100% accurate.
maken: Umm...I actually couldn't find a good translation for this, so I kept it in the Japanese.
As always, the manga scans are not mine, but the translations are. Please comment if you've read (only way I know people actually read it), and enjoy!
This scene takes place when Lloyd-tachi are traveling between Sylvarant and Tethe'alla, trying to cease the mana flow struggle between the two worlds by making pacts with the summon spirits and having them sever their links to their counterpart summon spirit.
This takes place shortly after Sheena has obtained Bolt, and the party is relaxing. Colette-tachi go to make a campfire, but Lloyd doesn't follow. He's too busy thinking about Kratos.