May 12, 2005 00:49
Last week may just have been one of the best weeks of my entire life. I can't ever remember being that happy for that long a period of time. :)
This week has been filled with many fun adventures with my wife. We found the BEST place on Monday, which I can't talk about on here because I don't want to ruin the surprise. But rest assured, it's amazing. Tuesday was the Lifehouse concert, which was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. They played every single song I wanted them to play, and I'm just absolutely in love with Jason Wade.
I miss my violin, a lot. I heard someone play their $12,000 violin tonight and it made me miss my own lowly $3,000 one quite a bit. It's been almost a year since I've even touched my violin for more than 5 minutes at a time. There's just never the time or energy here. Hopefully over the summer or next year.
I just wish I had more talent. I played for nearly 13 years straight and I still feel so incapable of playing well. I remember trying out for the Cleveland Youth Orchestra, and I walked past a room where a boy was practicing for his own audition. I stopped outside the room for a good 10 minutes, absolutely mesmerized by his amazing abilities. And I remember wishing I could be half as good, so that people would stop and listen to me when I played. But I guess I wish for much more than I can ever hope to achieve. I wish I was more intelligent too, and that hasn't happened yet either unfortunately.