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I made this all on the plane to Hawaii, even though the guys sitting next to me probably thought I was insane.
I'm here in Kona! OH MY GOD. SUNLIGHT. I haven't seen it in half a year! I'm not even really exaggerating, in Belgium I became a night-owl and I slept all day (which was just as well, because right now it's freezing, grey, rainy, and WINDY) and so it was perpetual night time. Then even in Southern California it was grey and rainy the entire time, although admittedly MUCH warmer. <3
I also have some new artwork I sketched up on the plane. Claire in Arthur de Pins style, Lady Gaga, some hot Indian whose hair loopies are TOTALLY NOT INSPIRED BY KATARA, OMG. Some random island girl, Airplane Boy? A zombie/shaman/ninja character I made for a roleplay a looong time ago, some hairy dude, a Naga (HAHA I'M PUTTING IT ON DEVIANTART. THAT PLACE NEEDS MOAR NAGAS) and Pele, the Hawaiian Volcano Goddess, riding on a lava flow. And yes, I realize now I spelled "Goddess" wrong. D:
My camera was dead until I charged it this evening, so I couldn't upload any amazing photos, but believe me, there are some AMAZING things to see here... like the insane plants that look like they're from another planet!? Seriously, there is so much strangeness on Hawaii that the touristy magazines and things never tell you. I plan on sharing all of this as I explore.