
Nov 10, 2009 22:18

I'm afraid I have some Bad News: My tendonitis is getting worse than ever, which means I have to take a break from typing and drawing. My doctor says that to make any significant healing, I should rest for at least 3 weeks. =(

That means I have to find another way to update Sister Claire in the meantime! T__T On the bright side, I'm probably going to find some use for those puppets I made ages ago! And maybe I'll make some little sculptures with the extra super-sculpey I have left over from college classes, and sell them in the store? (Which I'm working on right now. =D )

How can you help? I'm so glad you asked! XD If you're interested in submitting a guest page, I'd be happy to post it. Please follow these guidelines:

a) Make sure the final page is 600x900 pixels. This is very important, or it won't fit.
b) If you want to use the same font I do, use Sunday Comics. This isn't required, but just FYI.
c) This goes without saying, but please keep it P-G13. =P Don't do anything *I* wouldn't do!
d) Please mail it to me at claire @ sisterclaire.com, and in the email include the name you wish me to credit, and your website if you have one, so I can link to you. =)

Additionally, any fanart would be appreciated too, and I'll post those more regularly from now on. As with the comics, please include your Name and Website (if applicable) in your email.

I'm thinking of also setting up a template for a copy-paste Sister Claire comic- something in the vein of the infamous Dinosaur Comics, only with blank Sister Claire characters, and running a contest to see who comes up with the best captions. I'll come up with a prize for that as soon as I figure out the details.

If you have any other suggestions, please send them my way! I really apologize for the delay in updates, but my health comes first. T_T Not being able to draw and missing updates is really bringing me down- I don't know what to do with myself! I might take up finger-painting or something.


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