I was already sick the day before, but spending hours in the icy nighttime cold of London last night was the last straw for my poor little immune system. I had to postpone my trip back to Plymouth for a day because I was afraid I might faint in the underground. D:
It was worth it to see Janelle Monáe and give her a birthday gift, though. Sadly I was unable to give it to her in person, but I asked for them to make a video of her opening it. Maybe they will. =D
I've also had to postpone updating Sister Claire till Wednesday. I really need to heal up a bit, and I won't be able to do it on the train anyway. I wish I could just put life on pause for a while. T_T
Here is a beautiful animation I discovered through my friend
Thought of You from
Ryan Woodward on
Info on the full exhibition of art that includes animation and figurative works visit:
Ryan's website: