So much KHII, so very little time...

Aug 15, 2006 22:10

Considering I'm giving the game back on Thursday, I'd say that's an adequate feeling.

I've had two "Adventures in Shopping" moments trying to find it for less than $50.

The first was at Target. I asked if they stocked it. The guy who answered me was very nice, took me to it, quoted the price($50)...and asked me if I was buying it for my little brother.

My little brother wasn't even there.

Hello, Lilah moment here. (

Jeez, man, d'ya ever think (no, not really) that maybe *I* want to play it? That maybe girl gamers do indeed exist?

Nope, evidently not.

And why on Earth would he assume that my *little* brother would want to play it? What's wrong with people over the age of thirteen liking Disney and SquareEnix, huh?

Prejudiced idiot. >.<

So, on to KMart, where the guy is nice, charming, very succinct...and believes that KHII came out last month.

Yeahno. Try March, good sir.

So shopping was fun.

Then I decided to look up voice actors, just for the hell of
Here's your source. It's amazing. I nearly cried at some of these. Namine wants to kill her cheating boyfriend, Roxas is a pop star in his free time, Sora...well...( ...and Riku is a Camden.
Good Lord, Riku is a Camden.

The best one, though, is Quinton Flynn (Axel's VA)..he gives me much hope for the Advent Children dub.


...that felt good.

webcomics, video games, shopping, lol

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