3 a.m. Update

Jan 24, 2007 03:01

It's three in the morning, and I'm updating my LJ and watching Nightmare Before Christmas. Again. For probably the fourth time in the past week or so. Maybe the fifth. Finishing it will mean I'll probably be up until four in the morning for the fourth day in a row.

Conclusion: Kiaxet's an idiot.

Actually, I'm waiting for my sign to dry so I can paint the other side. I do a rather lopsided heart, but considering the whole sign is messy and meant to look that way, it works pretty well.

I need to spike the wig, but the friend who's supposed to help me was sick today - stomach flu. D: So I need to get that done sometime soon.

Zipper needs to be sewn on the coat, hood needs to be made, sleeves and bottom need to be hemmed, and then that's done.

I need to iron the Korn logo on the shirt and rip that up, and that costume'll be finished too.

The Mary Sue costume has been finished since Halloween. XD;

And I just got ideas for a Sally cosplay. The thing is, I can totally pull it off. That dress shouldn't be too bad to make if I give myself some time, I don't need to mess with the hair, I can get white tights and turtleneck and paint the big black seams on them, use quite a bit of facepaint/powder, and I already have the socks and shoes.

That's right. I want to do a Sally cosplay because I have the socks and shoes.

I'll probably end up doing it too. :D;

Lynx, do I need to find another ride to the airport on Friday morning?


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