Lessons in Costuming

Jan 19, 2007 12:36


1. NEVER leave your sewing to the last minute. NEVER.
2. If, for some reason, you cannot sew, make sure you have a reliable friend who can sew and is willing to help you.
3. If for some reason you've left your sewing to the last minute and your reliable friend is swamped and cannot help you, make sure you have a backup who can sew or who knows somebody who can sew. (In my case, it's my sorority sister. THANK YOU I LOVE YOU AND I OWE YOU COOKIES AND FLOWERS AND STUFF.)
4. NEVER leave your wig to the last minute. NEVER.
5. If you're going to order the wig online, make sure you check the shipping information and order your wig well in advance.
6. If for some reason you left your wig to the last minute, cannot get it online, and lack a car, make sure you have a friend (or sorority sister or both) who is willing to take you to costume shops on the weekend. (
selan, I love you too and I seriously owe you one. :D)
7. If the wig needs to be modified (spiked, colored, what-have-you), make sure you have a reliable friend who will do that if you can't.
8. Above all, relax and have fun!

*KEELS OVER AND DIES* Oioioi. This is just too crazy for me. XD;


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