So. Allllllll sorts of stuff to talk about.
Those of you who read
ggmoonycrisco's journal know Colorado got a blizzard day after last. I haven't seen snow this deep since we lived in Cheyenne (four years ago) and had the ten-foot snowdrift outside of our house. (That was also the day I found out the snowpants my neighbors had given me weren't snowpants at all. I was *soaked.*) But yeah. Snowed in for the past few days.
I guess this means we will be having a white Christmas after all.
I hope it's not too white, though, because on the 26th we're leaving for Hawaii! :D
I am SO looking forward to this. It should be better than last year, especially since I don't have any homework to do this time. (Really, after last time, is it any wonder I hate Hemingway? XD;) We're going to go to the North Shore, take surfing lessons, go back to the international market (:DDDDDDDDDDDD), stay at a freaking awesome hotel with a freaking awesome beach and a freaking awesome pool, hang out at the Barefoot Bar (Virgin Lava Flow? Why YES), eat at Jameson's by the Sea, eat at Dukes, eat at the Sunbird...:D
And I'm going Boba-hunting. ^^
Now, for those of you I know personally, I'm going to bring you all something. I'm thinking Tiki heads. XD; (That's not what they're called, but that's what my family calls them.)
They look a tad freaky in the pictures, but I rather like them. If you want one, leave a comment and tell me what color. (Yes, even those of you who already told me - I have a pathetic memory.) If a lot of people want them, then you may all end up getting the keychain size - the heads are about as big as a quarter on those, and...well, they're keychain-sized. ^^;
Now, to completely switch gears,
sbcpanurusent me an e-mail today offering me a job in Pepperdine's Tech Central.
The upsides:
- I know people there, and I'll probably be more comfortable there (personally) than I am working with the call center. (Don't get me wrong, I love the people at the call center, but I'm just not as close to them as I am to the people in Tech Central.)
- People won't hang up on me (I think).
- I GET TO BE A TECHIE. I cannot say that enough. XD
The downsides:
- I can't give up my job at the Call Center. I actually do like it there, I'm bringing home a pretty good-sized paycheck every two weeks, and I'm pretty dang good at what I do. (I just made it to the $25K board. This pleases me immensely.)
- I don't know how to be a techie. ^^;
- Even though I'm taking fewer classes this semester, I still don't know if I can handle two jobs. I do need to work a minimum of 12 hours a week a the call center, and I don't know what the requirement is for Tech Central.
- If work-study is required, I'm screwed. I have no work-study. That's *why* I work for the call center. ^^;
I suppose I should e-mail him back and give him a definite "maybe."
...Or he'll just read this. XD; I FEEL SMART NOW
And to switch gears yet again (WHEEEEEEE) fandom time! :D
So who here follows Heroes? Well, has anybody seen the article in TV Guide a few weeks ago? No?
Go read it.HOH. MAH. GAWD. Christopher Eccleston is a hero. OH HELLS YES. This means that I will be an awful person to watch that show with anymore. I'll be sitting there making jokes about sonic screwdrivers and the TARDIS, and the people I'm watching it with (who won't get the jokes) will kill me. XD;
It's gonna be great.
I've started playing KHII again. I finally got through Twilight Town, and let me tell you, everything makes so much more sense the second time through. (Yes, that cracktastic book at Yen Sid's tower also made sense. Each chapter is a very vague summary of a KH game. No, I'm serious.) The first time I played it, I was sick of Roxas by the second day (MINIGAMES KILL ME PLZ) and wanted to hurry up and get to Sora already. This time, I was nearly crying. The day Roxas left the Organization, he pretty much screwed himself over. It made me sad. D:
And I can see why people hate DiZ so much. He does act very callous towards Nobodies in general at the beginning of the game. But then again - and you've got to give him credit for this one - he does do this.
Riku: Why did you let him see the train?
DiZ: Because he missed the trip to the beach.
And my brother and I were quoting that comedy routine the whole freaking time. ("And I look at all the jobs so I can earn the money to get on the dope-ass Disney train to get to the fun f*cking part of the game!") Believe me, I now need a Dope-Ass Disney Train icon. We used that phrase waaaaaaay too much.
And my little brother? Yeah. He called Axel and Roxas "butt buddies." And yes, I did laugh my ass off at that one. He was making fun of them, of course, but...well, it was bad, We then started making fun of Setzer's sexuality and theorized on the suggestive shape of Struggle bats and how the knocked the Orbs out of people...
And yes, "Isn't this ROMANTIC" was ripped to shreds. Waaaaaaaay too much batshit inappropriate fun for a supposedly safe Disney game. XD;
And I was in the Paixao Christmas chat again night before last. (This was, of course, *before* I got my laptop taken away for a day for being on too late...actually, that was *when* I got it taken away. ^^; ) Whenever I go into the chat, things get...weird. I managed to completely cheese off Laharl (demon overlord from...something I don't know ^^; ), and it almost came to blows. It was...interesting. We also managed to have an entire conversation in vague threats and stage cues. I wish I'd saved it - it was all sorts of fun. Hopefully everybody will be on again tonight - I'm looking forward to it.
Not only that, but I told one of my friends he should app Xemnas. He says he might actually do it.
...Scarily enough, he'd make a really freaking good Xemnas. Wow. XD;
...I've *got* to finish my app. ^^;
And finally, the answers to that song meme I did forever and a freaking day ago. ^^;
1. He Lives in You from The Lion King
2. Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet
3. Comin' Up Christmastime (And if you're wondering if this is the song from the Hannah-Barbera Christmas special with Yogi Bear, it is indeed. XD)
4. Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed
5. I'm a Believer by The Monkees
6. Hey Mama by The Black-Eyed Peas
7. Such Great Heights by The Postal Service
8. Bad Day by Fuel
9. Somebody Else by Bleu (Off the Spiderman soundtrack, in case anybody's wondering)
10. Can't Help Falling in Love bu UB40 (at least the version I have is)
11. Blue Christmas by Elvis (and anybody who missed this one LOSES)
12. Man! I feel like a woman! by Shania Twain
13. Talk by Coldplay
14. Let Me Blow Ya Mind by Eve feat. Gwen Stefani
15. Through the Night (Outlaw Star opening theme)
16. You Keep Me Hangin' On by Kim Wilde
17. Gotta Get Thru This by Daniel Bedingfield
18. Sorcerer Hunters ending theme
19. A.M. Radio by Everclear
20. I've Never Been in Love Before from Guys and Dolls
21. No Giving Up by Crossfade
22. The Show Must Go On by Queen
23. What Would You Do? by City High
24. Smoke (HAHA DDR version XD; )
25. Tainted Love by Soft Cell
26. I Will by Sowelu (FMA Ending theme number...4?)
27. Lonely No More by Rob Thomas
28. B4U by Naoki
29. Volcano by Jimmy Buffet
30. 1 Tym 4 Your Life by 1 Tym (Yes, I have Korean rap on my iTunes. Yes, I do enjoy it. Greatly. XD )
If anybody wants me to upload any of these songs (or any other songs you know I have (Honky Tonk Badonkadonk,
princeali_m_fanXD;)) just let me know. I'd be glad to do it. :D
AND. That is all! ^^;